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avkonst 11 سال پیش

+ 279 - 7

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
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@@ -168,11 +167,12 @@
           <li><a href="#download_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Download &amp; Install</a></li>
           <li><a href="#workflow_collect_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Workflow: Collect data</a></li>
           <li><a href="#workflow_view_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Workflow: View data</a></li>
-          <li><a href="#workflow_view_distributions_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; distributions</a></li>
-          <li><a href="#workflow_view_details_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; details</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#workflow_view_summary_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; summary &amp; distributions</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#workflow_view_details_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; details per file/region</a></li>
           <li><a href="#workflow_limit_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Workflow: Apply thresholds</a></li>
           <li><a href="#workflow_limit_hotspots_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; hotspots</a></li>
-          <li><a href="#workflow_limit_suppress_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; suppressions</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#workflow_limit_control_section"><i class="icon-hand-right"></i> &middot; controlling trends</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#workflow_other_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Workflow: Other applications</a></li>
           <li><a href="#extend_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Create plugin</a></li>
           <li><a href="#contribute_section"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Feedback &amp; Contribute</a></li>
@@ -387,19 +387,287 @@ file: __global__: comment
         <div class="page-header">
+        <p>The workflow and application usecases are demonstrated using source code of 
+        	<a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/interprocess.html">boost/interprocess</a> library.
+        	Boost versions 1.52 and 1.54 are used and refered below as 'previous' and 'current' accordingly.</p>
         <section id="workflow_collect_section">
           <h2>Collect data</h2>
-          <p>...</p>
+          <p>The first obvious step is to collect the data.
+             The 'collect' tool has got multiple options to enable various metrics plugins.
+             Let's collect number of lines of code and cyclomatic complexity metrics
+             for the previous (1.52.0 version) boost interprocess library. Assuming that 2 versions of boost library
+             are unpacked in the current working directory:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; cd boost_1_52_0
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" collect --std.code.lines.code --std.code.complexity.cyclomatic -- boost/interprocess
+&gt; cd ../ # return back to working directory
+          <p>The list of arguments after '--' enumerates paths where to read source files.
+          	As a result of execution of this command, a file metrixpp.db will be written in the current working directory.
+          	It can be redefined with help of --db-file option.</p>
+          <p>Metrix++ has got rich functionality in comparing code bases and reducing processing scope to modified or new code.
+          	So, let's collect the same data for the current (1.54.0 version) boost interprocess library.</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; cd boost_1_54_0
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" collect --std.code.lines.code --std.code.complexity.cyclomatic -- boost/interprocess --db-file-prev=../boost_1_52_0/metrixpp.db
+&gt; cd ../ # return back to working directory
+          <p>The option --db-file-prev points out to the file with data collected in the previous step.
+          	So, eventually it executed iterative collection. It can speed up the exectuion significantly,
+          	depending on amount of changes between two version.</p>
+          <p>Check other options of the collect tool by executing:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" collect --help
         <section id="workflow_view_section">
           <h2>View data</h2>
-          <p>...</p>
+        </section>
+        <section id="workflow_view_summary_section">
+          <h3>Summary metrics and distribution tables/graphs</h3>
+          <p>It is time to look at the data. The command:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --db-file=boost_1_54_0/metrixpp.db
+          <p>prints summary metrics, like minimum/maximum, and distribution/frequency tables:</p>
+          <pre>
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.complexity:cyclomatic' metric
+	Average        : 0.652902698283
+	Minimum        : 0
+	Maximum        : 37
+	Total          : 1597.0
+	Distribution   : 2446 regions in total (including 0 suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	             0 : 0.771 : 0.771 : 1886	|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             1 : 0.110 : 0.881 :  268	|||||||||||
+	             2 : 0.044 : 0.925 :  108	||||
+	             3 : 0.025 : 0.949 :   60	||
+	             4 : 0.016 : 0.966 :   40	||
+	             5 : 0.007 : 0.973 :   18	|
+	             6 : 0.006 : 0.979 :   14	|
+	             7 : 0.004 : 0.983 :   10	
+	             8 : 0.003 : 0.986 :    8	
+	             9 : 0.002 : 0.988 :    4	
+	            10 : 0.004 : 0.991 :    9	
+	            11 : 0.002 : 0.993 :    4	
+	            12 : 0.001 : 0.994 :    3	
+	            13 : 0.001 : 0.995 :    2	
+	            14 : 0.001 : 0.996 :    2	
+	         15-16 : 0.001 : 0.997 :    3	
+	         17-18 : 0.001 : 0.998 :    3	
+	            20 : 0.000 : 0.999 :    1	
+	         23-25 : 0.001 : 1.000 :    2	
+	            37 : 0.000 : 1.000 :    1	
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.lines:code' metric
+	Average        : 6.64356984479
+	Minimum        : 0
+	Maximum        : 201
+	Total          : 23970.0
+	Distribution   : 3608 regions in total (including 0 suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	           0-1 : 0.088 : 0.088 :  319	|||||||||
+	             2 : 0.320 : 0.409 : 1155	||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             3 : 0.108 : 0.517 :  390	|||||||||||
+	             4 : 0.081 : 0.598 :  294	||||||||
+	             5 : 0.080 : 0.678 :  290	||||||||
+	             6 : 0.061 : 0.739 :  220	||||||
+	             7 : 0.049 : 0.788 :  176	|||||
+	             8 : 0.030 : 0.818 :  109	|||
+	             9 : 0.025 : 0.843 :   89	||
+	         10-11 : 0.032 : 0.876 :  117	|||
+	         12-13 : 0.020 : 0.895 :   71	||
+	            14 : 0.012 : 0.907 :   43	|
+	         15-16 : 0.017 : 0.924 :   61	||
+	         17-19 : 0.015 : 0.939 :   55	||
+	         20-22 : 0.013 : 0.952 :   46	|
+	         23-26 : 0.011 : 0.963 :   40	|
+	         27-30 : 0.009 : 0.972 :   33	|
+	         31-39 : 0.009 : 0.981 :   33	|
+	         40-65 : 0.009 : 0.991 :   34	|
+	        66-201 : 0.009 : 1.000 :   33	|
+:: info: Directory content:
+	Directory      : .
+          <p>The same command with --db-file-prev option enables comparision and change trends are shown in [] brackets:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --db-file=boost_1_54_0/metrixpp.db --db-file-prev=boost_1_52_0/metrixpp.db
+          <pre>
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.complexity:cyclomatic' metric
+	Average        : 0.652902698283 [+0.00362138411453]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 37 [+1]
+	Total          : 1597.0 [+16.0]
+	Distribution   : 2446 [+11] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	             0 : 0.771 : 0.771 : 1886 [+5   ]	|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             1 : 0.110 : 0.881 :  268 [+4   ]	|||||||||||
+	             2 : 0.044 : 0.925 :  108 [+0   ]	||||
+	             3 : 0.025 : 0.949 :   60 [+2   ]	||
+	             4 : 0.016 : 0.966 :   40 [-1   ]	||
+	             5 : 0.007 : 0.973 :   18 [-1   ]	|
+	             6 : 0.006 : 0.979 :   14 [+1   ]	|
+	             7 : 0.004 : 0.983 :   10 [+1   ]	
+	             8 : 0.003 : 0.986 :    8 [+1   ]	
+	             9 : 0.002 : 0.988 :    4 [+0   ]	
+	            10 : 0.004 : 0.991 :    9 [-2   ]	
+	            11 : 0.002 : 0.993 :    4 [+1   ]	
+	            12 : 0.001 : 0.994 :    3 [+0   ]	
+	            13 : 0.001 : 0.995 :    2 [+0   ]	
+	            14 : 0.001 : 0.996 :    2 [+0   ]	
+	         15-16 : 0.001 : 0.997 :    3 [-1   ]	
+	         17-18 : 0.001 : 0.998 :    3 [+1   ]	
+	            20 : 0.000 : 0.999 :    1 [+0   ]	
+	         23-25 : 0.001 : 1.000 :    2 [+0   ]	
+	         36-37 : 0.000 : 1.000 :    1 [+0   ]	
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.lines:code' metric
+	Average        : 6.64356984479 [+0.012181964309]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 201 [+4]
+	Total          : 23970.0 [+223.0]
+	Distribution   : 3608 [+27] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	           0-1 : 0.088 : 0.088 :  319 [+3   ]	|||||||||
+	             2 : 0.320 : 0.409 : 1155 [+9   ]	||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             3 : 0.108 : 0.517 :  390 [-3   ]	|||||||||||
+	             4 : 0.081 : 0.598 :  294 [+7   ]	||||||||
+	             5 : 0.080 : 0.678 :  290 [+7   ]	||||||||
+	             6 : 0.061 : 0.739 :  220 [-1   ]	||||||
+	             7 : 0.049 : 0.788 :  176 [-2   ]	|||||
+	             8 : 0.030 : 0.818 :  109 [-1   ]	|||
+	             9 : 0.025 : 0.843 :   89 [+4   ]	||
+	         10-11 : 0.032 : 0.876 :  117 [+9   ]	|||
+	         12-13 : 0.020 : 0.895 :   71 [-9   ]	||
+	            14 : 0.012 : 0.907 :   43 [+0   ]	|
+	         15-16 : 0.017 : 0.924 :   61 [+0   ]	||
+	         17-19 : 0.015 : 0.939 :   55 [+6   ]	||
+	         20-22 : 0.013 : 0.952 :   46 [-3   ]	|
+	         23-26 : 0.011 : 0.963 :   40 [+2   ]	|
+	         27-30 : 0.009 : 0.972 :   33 [-3   ]	|
+	         31-39 : 0.009 : 0.981 :   33 [+0   ]	|
+	         40-65 : 0.009 : 0.991 :   34 [+1   ]	|
+	        66-201 : 0.009 : 1.000 :   33 [+1   ]	|
+:: info: Directory content:
+	Directory      : .
+          <h4>Reducing analysis scope</h4>
+          <p>There are two ways to reduce the analysis scope for the view tool. The first is to enumerate paths of interest.
+          	For example, the following command reduces scope to 'allocators' sub-directory within the processed code.</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --db-file=boost_1_54_0/metrixpp.db -- ./boost/interprocess/allocators
+          <p>The second is to specify --scope-mode option, which instructs the tool to process only modified and/or new files/regions.
+          	For example, view the summary metrics for all modified and new regions:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --db-file=boost_1_54_0/metrixpp.db  --db-file-prev=boost_1_52_0/metrixpp.db --scope-mode=touched
+          <pre>
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.complexity:cyclomatic' metric
+	Average        : 1.84924623116 [-0.0230941943761]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 37 [+1]
+	Total          : 368.0 [+16.0]
+	Distribution   : 199 [+11] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	             0 : 0.608 : 0.608 : 121 [+5  ]	|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             1 : 0.131 : 0.739 :  26 [+4  ]	|||||||||||||
+	             2 : 0.070 : 0.809 :  14 [+0  ]	|||||||
+	             3 : 0.060 : 0.869 :  12 [+2  ]	||||||
+	             4 : 0.015 : 0.884 :   3 [-1  ]	||
+	             5 : 0.015 : 0.899 :   3 [-1  ]	||
+	             6 : 0.005 : 0.905 :   1 [+1  ]	|
+	             7 : 0.015 : 0.920 :   3 [+1  ]	||
+	             8 : 0.015 : 0.935 :   3 [+1  ]	||
+	             9 : 0.010 : 0.945 :   2 [+0  ]	|
+	            10 : 0.010 : 0.955 :   2 [-2  ]	|
+	            11 : 0.005 : 0.960 :   1 [+1  ]	|
+	            12 : 0.005 : 0.965 :   1 [+0  ]	|
+	            13 : 0.005 : 0.970 :   1 [+0  ]	|
+	            16 : 0.005 : 0.975 :   1 [-1  ]	|
+	            17 : 0.005 : 0.980 :   1 [+0  ]	|
+	            18 : 0.010 : 0.990 :   2 [+1  ]	|
+	            20 : 0.005 : 0.995 :   1 [+0  ]	|
+	         36-37 : 0.005 : 1.000 :   1 [+0  ]	|
+:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.lines:code' metric
+	Average        : 15.9645390071 [-0.815853149771]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 201 [+6]
+	Total          : 4502.0 [+223.0]
+	Distribution   : 282 [+27] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	           0-1 : 0.053 : 0.053 :  15 [+3  ]	|||||
+	             2 : 0.124 : 0.177 :  35 [+9  ]	||||||||||||
+	             3 : 0.053 : 0.230 :  15 [-3  ]	|||||
+	             4 : 0.060 : 0.291 :  17 [+7  ]	||||||
+	             5 : 0.089 : 0.379 :  25 [+7  ]	|||||||||
+	             6 : 0.060 : 0.440 :  17 [-1  ]	||||||
+	             7 : 0.050 : 0.489 :  14 [-2  ]	|||||
+	           8-9 : 0.074 : 0.564 :  21 [+3  ]	|||||||
+	            10 : 0.035 : 0.599 :  10 [+5  ]	||||
+	            11 : 0.082 : 0.681 :  23 [+4  ]	||||||||
+	         12-13 : 0.043 : 0.723 :  12 [-9  ]	||||
+	         14-15 : 0.039 : 0.762 :  11 [-1  ]	||||
+	         16-18 : 0.028 : 0.791 :   8 [+4  ]	|||
+	         19-22 : 0.039 : 0.830 :  11 [+0  ]	||||
+	         23-26 : 0.039 : 0.869 :  11 [+2  ]	||||
+	         27-32 : 0.028 : 0.897 :   8 [-3  ]	|||
+	         38-50 : 0.025 : 0.922 :   7 [+0  ]	||
+	         51-69 : 0.025 : 0.947 :   7 [+1  ]	||
+	        71-100 : 0.032 : 0.979 :   9 [+2  ]	|||
+	       101-201 : 0.021 : 1.000 :   6 [-1  ]	||
+:: info: Directory content:
+	Directory      : .
+        </section>
+        <section id="workflow_view_details_section">
+          <h3>Detailed metrics per file/region</h3>
+          <p>The same view tool can print detailed metrics per file and per every region in the specified file.
+          	In order to get detailed metrics, enumerate files of interest after '--'. For example:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --db-file=boost_1_54_0/metrixpp.db --db-file-prev=boost_1_52_0/metrixpp.db -- ./boost/interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp
+          <p>produces output similar to this (truncated to make the page shorter):</p>
+          <pre>
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:302: info: Metrics per 'priv_open_or_create' region
+	Region name    : priv_open_or_create
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 8314-14526
+	Line numbers   : 301-467
+	Modified       : True
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 37 [+1]
+	std.code.lines:code: 148 [+4]
+        </section>
+        <section>
+          <h3>More about the viewer</h3>
+          <p>The 'view' command has got an option to alter the output format. It is possible to get the same data
+          	in xml pr python disctionary formats. This can be particularly useful for integration of the tool with
+          	other applications. For example, an editor may re-collect and show context based metrics when a file is saved.</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --format=xml
+          <p>Check other options of the view tool by executing:</p>
+          <pre>
+&gt; python "/path/to/metrix++.py" view --help
         <section id="workflow_limit_section">
           <h2>Apply thresholds</h2>
-        <section id="workflow_limit_suppress_section">
+        <section id="workflow_limit_hotspots_section">
+          <h3>Suppressions</h3>
+          <p>Metrix++ has got suppressions capability. Suppressions are collected from comments in code
+             and used by post-processing tools, like 'limit'. It allows to take fine grained control
+             over false-positive warnings, if there are.</p>
+        </section>
+        <section id="workflow_limit_control_section">
           <p>Metrix++ has got suppressions capability. Suppressions are collected from comments in code
              and used by post-processing tools, like 'limit'. It allows to take fine grained control
@@ -484,6 +752,10 @@ file: __global__: comment
     <script src="assets/js/application.js"></script>
+    <script>
+    </script>
     <!-- Analytics
     ================================================== -->

+ 1 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import mpp.api
 import re
-class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.SimpleMetricMixin, mpp.api.Child, mpp.api.IConfigurable):
+class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.MetricPluginMixin, mpp.api.Child, mpp.api.IConfigurable):
     def declare_configuration(self, parser):
         parser.add_option("--std.code.complexity.cyclomatic", "--sccc", action="store_true", default=False,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import mpp.api
 import re
-class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.SimpleMetricMixin, mpp.api.Child, mpp.api.IConfigurable):
+class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.MetricPluginMixin, mpp.api.Child, mpp.api.IConfigurable):
     def declare_configuration(self, parser):
         parser.add_option("--std.code.lines.code", "--sclc", action="store_true", default=False,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                 # mark the plug-in as updated in order to trigger full rescan
                 self.is_updated = self.is_updated or is_created
-class SimpleMetricMixin(object):
+class MetricPluginMixin(object):
     class AliasError(Exception):
         def __init__(self, alias):

+ 8 - 2

@@ -26,7 +26,12 @@ class Test(tests.common.TestCase):
     def test_workflow(self):
-        # first collection
+        #
+        # WARNING:
+        # files generated by this test are used by project documents page
+        # so, if the test is changed, html docs should be updated accordingly
+        #
         runner = tests.common.ToolRunner('collect',
@@ -72,11 +77,12 @@ class Test(tests.common.TestCase):
         runner = tests.common.ToolRunner('view',
-                                         ['--log-level=INFO', '--format=xml'],
+                                         ['--log-level=INFO'],
                                          check_stderr=[(0, -1)],
+        self.assertExec(runner.run())
         runner = tests.common.ToolRunner('limit',

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[LOG]: WARNING:	Logging enabled with INFO level
+[LOG]: INFO:	Processing: ./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp
+[LOG]: WARNING:	Done (1 seconds). Exit code: 0

+ 401 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:0: info: Metrics per '__global__' region
+	Region name    : __global__
+	Region type    : global
+	Offsets        : 0-15057
+	Line numbers   : 1-490
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 0 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:31: info: Metrics per 'boost' region
+	Region name    : boost
+	Region type    : namespace
+	Offsets        : 1321-14915
+	Line numbers   : 31-485
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:32: info: Metrics per 'interprocess' region
+	Region name    : interprocess
+	Region type    : namespace
+	Offsets        : 1339-14885
+	Line numbers   : 32-484
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 6 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:35: info: Metrics per 'ipcdetail' region
+	Region name    : ipcdetail
+	Region type    : namespace
+	Offsets        : 1365-1424
+	Line numbers   : 34-35
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 1 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:39: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl_device_id_t' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl_device_id_t
+	Region type    : struct
+	Offsets        : 1427-1540
+	Line numbers   : 38-42
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 5 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:50: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl_device_id_t' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl_device_id_t
+	Region type    : struct
+	Offsets        : 1650-1768
+	Line numbers   : 49-53
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 5 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:59: info: Metrics per 'ipcdetail' region
+	Region name    : ipcdetail
+	Region type    : namespace
+	Offsets        : 1842-14857
+	Line numbers   : 59-482
+	Modified       : True
+	std.code.lines:code: 5 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:63: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl_device_holder' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl_device_holder
+	Region type    : class
+	Offsets        : 1866-2164
+	Line numbers   : 62-71
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 4 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:66: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 1972-2064
+	Line numbers   : 65-67
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:69: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 2069-2162
+	Line numbers   : 69-70
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:74: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl_device_holder' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl_device_holder
+	Region type    : class
+	Offsets        : 2167-2451
+	Line numbers   : 73-85
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.lines:code: 6 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:77: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 2280-2342
+	Line numbers   : 76-78
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:80: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 2347-2410
+	Line numbers   : 80-81
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:87: info: Metrics per 'DeviceAbstraction' region
+	Region name    : DeviceAbstraction
+	Region type    : class
+	Offsets        : 2454-14853
+	Line numbers   : 87-480
+	Modified       : True
+	std.code.lines:code: 27 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:113: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 3358-3393
+	Line numbers   : 113-114
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:116: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 3398-3800
+	Line numbers   : 116-131
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 16 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:133: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 3805-4132
+	Line numbers   : 133-146
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 14 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:149: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 4138-4549
+	Line numbers   : 149-164
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 16 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:167: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 4554-5028
+	Line numbers   : 166-183
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 18 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:186: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 5033-5433
+	Line numbers   : 185-200
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 16 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:203: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 5438-5922
+	Line numbers   : 202-219
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 18 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:221: info: Metrics per 'managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 5927-6032
+	Line numbers   : 221-222
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:224: info: Metrics per 'operator=' region
+	Region name    : operator=
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6037-6236
+	Line numbers   : 224-229
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 6 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:231: info: Metrics per '~managed_open_or_create_impl' region
+	Region name    : ~managed_open_or_create_impl
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6241-6277
+	Line numbers   : 231-232
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:234: info: Metrics per 'get_user_size' region
+	Region name    : get_user_size
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6282-6391
+	Line numbers   : 234-235
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:237: info: Metrics per 'get_user_address' region
+	Region name    : get_user_address
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6396-6526
+	Line numbers   : 237-238
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:240: info: Metrics per 'get_real_size' region
+	Region name    : get_real_size
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6531-6608
+	Line numbers   : 240-241
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:243: info: Metrics per 'get_real_address' region
+	Region name    : get_real_address
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6613-6691
+	Line numbers   : 243-244
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:246: info: Metrics per 'swap' region
+	Region name    : swap
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6696-6808
+	Line numbers   : 246-249
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 4 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:251: info: Metrics per 'flush' region
+	Region name    : flush
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6813-6866
+	Line numbers   : 251-252
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:254: info: Metrics per 'get_mapped_region' region
+	Region name    : get_mapped_region
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6871-6950
+	Line numbers   : 254-255
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:258: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 6956-7033
+	Line numbers   : 258-259
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:261: info: Metrics per 'get_device' region
+	Region name    : get_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7038-7127
+	Line numbers   : 261-262
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:268: info: Metrics per 'truncate_device' region
+	Region name    : truncate_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7145-7301
+	Line numbers   : 266-269
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:272: info: Metrics per 'truncate_device' region
+	Region name    : truncate_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7314-7440
+	Line numbers   : 271-273
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:277: info: Metrics per 'check_offset_t_size' region
+	Region name    : check_offset_t_size
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7446-7543
+	Line numbers   : 276-278
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:281: info: Metrics per 'check_offset_t_size' region
+	Region name    : check_offset_t_size
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7556-7687
+	Line numbers   : 280-282
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 3 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:286: info: Metrics per 'create_device' region
+	Region name    : create_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 7692-8034
+	Line numbers   : 284-291
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 7 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:294: info: Metrics per 'create_device' region
+	Region name    : create_device
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 8039-8309
+	Line numbers   : 293-299
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 7 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:302: info: Metrics per 'priv_open_or_create' region
+	Region name    : priv_open_or_create
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 8314-14526
+	Line numbers   : 301-467
+	Modified       : True
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 37 [+1]
+	std.code.lines:code: 148 [+4]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:469: info: Metrics per 'swap' region
+	Region name    : swap
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 14531-14652
+	Line numbers   : 469-472
+	Modified       : True
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 4 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:476: info: Metrics per 'dont_close_on_destruction' region
+	Region name    : dont_close_on_destruction
+	Region type    : function
+	Offsets        : 14706-14812
+	Line numbers   : 476-477
+	Modified       : False
+	std.code.complexity:cyclomatic: 0 [+0]
+	std.code.lines:code: 2 [+0]
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.complexity:cyclomatic' metric
+	Average        : 1.15625 [+0.03125]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 37 [+1]
+	Total          : 37.0 [+1.0]
+	Distribution   : 32 [+0] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	             0 : 0.969 : 0.969 : 31 [+0 ]	|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	            36 : 0.000 : 0.969 :  0 [-1 ]	
+	            37 : 0.031 : 1.000 :  1 [+1 ]	|||
+./interprocess/detail/managed_open_or_create_impl.hpp:: info: Overall metrics for 'std.code.lines:code' metric
+	Average        : 9.07142857143 [+0.0952380952381]
+	Minimum        : 0 [+0]
+	Maximum        : 148 [+4]
+	Total          : 381.0 [+4.0]
+	Distribution   : 42 [+0] regions in total (including 0 [+0] suppressed)
+	  Metric value : Ratio : R-sum : Number of regions
+	           0-1 : 0.048 : 0.048 :  2 [+0 ]	|||||
+	             2 : 0.357 : 0.405 : 15 [+0 ]	||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+	             3 : 0.143 : 0.548 :  6 [+0 ]	||||||||||||||
+	             4 : 0.071 : 0.619 :  3 [+0 ]	|||||||
+	             5 : 0.071 : 0.690 :  3 [+0 ]	|||||||
+	             6 : 0.071 : 0.762 :  3 [+0 ]	|||||||
+	             7 : 0.048 : 0.810 :  2 [+0 ]	|||||
+	            14 : 0.024 : 0.833 :  1 [+0 ]	||
+	            16 : 0.071 : 0.905 :  3 [+0 ]	|||||||
+	            18 : 0.048 : 0.952 :  2 [+0 ]	|||||
+	            27 : 0.024 : 0.976 :  1 [+0 ]	||
+	           144 : 0.000 : 0.976 :  0 [-1 ]	
+	           148 : 0.024 : 1.000 :  1 [+1 ]	||