@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+Created on 25/07/2012
+@author: konstaa
+import logging
+import os.path
+import core.api
+import core.db.sqlite
+# Data Interface
+class Data(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.data = {}
+ def get_data(self, namespace, field):
+ if namespace not in self.data.keys():
+ return None
+ if field not in self.data[namespace].keys():
+ return None
+ return self.data[namespace][field]
+ def set_data(self, namespace, field, value):
+ if namespace not in self.data:
+ self.data[namespace] = {}
+ self.data[namespace][field] = value
+ def iterate_namespaces(self):
+ for namespace in self.data.keys():
+ yield namespace
+ def iterate_fields(self, namespace):
+ for field in self.data[namespace].keys():
+ yield (field, self.data[namespace][field])
+ def get_data_tree(self, namespaces=None):
+ return self.data
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return object.__repr__(self) + " with data " + self.data.__repr__()
+class LoadableData(Data):
+ def __init__(self, loader, file_id, region_id):
+ Data.__init__(self)
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.file_id = file_id
+ self.region_id = region_id
+ self.loaded_namespaces = []
+ self.changed_namespaces = []
+ def load_namespace(self, namespace):
+ try:
+ row = self.loader.db.get_row(namespace, self.file_id, self.region_id)
+ except Exception:
+ logging.debug("No data in the database for namespace: " + namespace)
+ return
+ if row == None:
+ return
+ for column_name in row.keys():
+ packager = self.loader.get_namespace(namespace).get_field_packager(column_name)
+ if packager == None:
+ continue
+ Data.set_data(self, namespace, column_name, packager.unpack(row[column_name]))
+ def set_data(self, namespace, field, value):
+ if namespace not in self.changed_namespaces:
+ self.changed_namespaces.append(namespace)
+ return Data.set_data(self, namespace, field, value)
+ def get_data(self, namespace, field):
+ if namespace not in self.loaded_namespaces:
+ self.loaded_namespaces.append(namespace)
+ self.load_namespace(namespace)
+ return Data.get_data(self, namespace, field)
+ def is_namespace_updated(self, namespace):
+ return namespace in self.changed_namespaces
+ def is_namespace_loaded(self, namespace):
+ return namespace in self.loaded_namespaces
+ def get_data_tree(self, namespaces=None):
+ if namespaces == None:
+ namespaces = self.loader.iterate_namespace_names()
+ for each in namespaces:
+ self.load_namespace(each)
+ return Data.get_data_tree(self)
+class FileRegionData(LoadableData):
+ class T(object):
+ NONE = 0x00
+ GLOBAL = 0x01
+ CLASS = 0x02
+ STRUCT = 0x04
+ NAMESPACE = 0x08
+ FUNCTION = 0x10
+ def to_str(self, group):
+ if group == self.NONE:
+ return "none"
+ elif group == self.GLOBAL:
+ return "global"
+ elif group == self.CLASS:
+ return "class"
+ elif group == self.STRUCT:
+ return "struct"
+ elif group == self.NAMESPACE:
+ return "namespace"
+ elif group == self.FUNCTION:
+ return "function"
+ else:
+ assert(False)
+ def __init__(self, loader, file_id, region_id, region_name, offset_begin, offset_end, line_begin, line_end, cursor_line, group, checksum):
+ LoadableData.__init__(self, loader, file_id, region_id)
+ self.name = region_name
+ self.begin = offset_begin
+ self.end = offset_end
+ self.line_begin = line_begin
+ self.line_end = line_end
+ self.cursor = cursor_line
+ self.group = group
+ self.checksum = checksum
+ self.children = []
+ def get_id(self):
+ return self.region_id
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.name
+ def get_offset_begin(self):
+ return self.begin
+ def get_offset_end(self):
+ return self.end
+ def get_line_begin(self):
+ return self.line_begin
+ def get_line_end(self):
+ return self.line_end
+ def get_cursor(self):
+ return self.cursor
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self.group
+ def get_checksum(self):
+ return self.checksum
+ def register_subregion_id(self, child_id):
+ self.children.append(child_id)
+ def iterate_subregion_ids(self):
+ return self.children
+class Marker(object):
+ class T(object):
+ NONE = 0x00
+ COMMENT = 0x01
+ STRING = 0x02
+ def __init__(self, offset_begin, offset_end, group):
+ self.begin = offset_begin
+ self.end = offset_end
+ self.group = group
+ def get_offset_begin(self):
+ return self.begin
+ def get_offset_end(self):
+ return self.end
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self.group
+class FileData(LoadableData):
+ def __init__(self, loader, path, file_id, checksum, content):
+ LoadableData.__init__(self, loader, file_id, None)
+ self.path = path
+ self.checksum = checksum
+ self.content = content
+ self.regions = None
+ self.markers = None
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.loading_tmp = []
+ def get_id(self):
+ return self.file_id
+ def get_path(self):
+ return self.path
+ def get_checksum(self):
+ return self.checksum
+ def get_content(self, exclude = Marker.T.NONE):
+ if exclude == Marker.T.NONE:
+ return self.content
+ if exclude == (Marker.T.COMMENT | Marker.T.STRING | Marker.T.PREPROCESSOR):
+ # optimise frequent queries of this type
+ if hasattr(self, 'content_cache'):
+ return self.content_cache
+ last_pos = 0
+ content = ""
+ for marker in self.iterate_markers(exclude):
+ content += self.content[last_pos:marker.begin]
+ content += " " * (marker.end - marker.begin)
+ last_pos = marker.end
+ content += self.content[last_pos:]
+ if exclude == (Marker.T.COMMENT | Marker.T.STRING | Marker.T.PREPROCESSOR):
+ self.content_cache = content
+ assert(len(content) == len(self.content))
+ return content
+ def internal_append_region(self, region):
+ # here we apply some magic - we rely on special ordering of coming regions,
+ # which is supported by code parsers
+ prev_id = None
+ while True:
+ if len(self.loading_tmp) == 0:
+ break
+ prev_id = self.loading_tmp.pop()
+ if self.get_region(prev_id).get_offset_end() > region.get_offset_begin():
+ self.loading_tmp.append(prev_id) # return back
+ break
+ self.loading_tmp.append(region.get_id())
+ if prev_id != None:
+ self.get_region(prev_id).register_subregion_id(region.get_id())
+ self.regions.append(region)
+ def load_regions(self):
+ if self.regions == None:
+ self.regions = []
+ for each in self.loader.db.iterate_regions(self.get_id()):
+ self.internal_append_region(FileRegionData(self.loader,
+ self.get_id(),
+ each.region_id,
+ each.name,
+ each.begin,
+ each.end,
+ each.line_begin,
+ each.line_end,
+ each.cursor,
+ each.group,
+ each.checksum))
+ assert(len(self.regions) == each.region_id)
+ def add_region(self, region_name, offset_begin, offset_end, line_begin, line_end, cursor_line, group, checksum):
+ if self.regions == None:
+ self.regions = [] # do not load in time of collection
+ new_id = len(self.regions) + 1
+ self.internal_append_region(FileRegionData(self.loader, self.get_id(), new_id, region_name, offset_begin, offset_end, line_begin, line_end, cursor_line, group, checksum))
+ self.loader.db.create_region(self.file_id, new_id, region_name, offset_begin, offset_end, line_begin, line_end, cursor_line, group, checksum)
+ return new_id
+ def get_region(self, region_id):
+ self.load_regions()
+ return self.regions[region_id - 1]
+ def iterate_regions(self, filter_group = FileRegionData.T.ANY):
+ self.load_regions()
+ for each in self.regions:
+ if each.group & filter_group:
+ yield each
+ def are_regions_loaded(self):
+ return self.regions != None
+ def load_markers(self):
+ if self.markers == None:
+ self.markers = []
+ for each in self.loader.db.iterate_markers(self.get_id()):
+ self.markers.append(self.Marker(each.begin, each.end, each.group))
+ def add_marker(self, offset_begin, offset_end, group):
+ if self.markers == None:
+ self.markers = [] # do not load in time of collection
+ self.markers.append(Marker(offset_begin, offset_end, group))
+ self.loader.db.create_marker(self.file_id, offset_begin, offset_end, group)
+ def iterate_markers(self, filter_group = Marker.T.COMMENT |
+ self.load_markers()
+ for each in self.markers:
+ if each.group & filter_group:
+ yield each
+ def get_marker_types(self):
+ return Marker.T
+ def get_region_types(self):
+ return FileRegionData.T
+ def are_markers_loaded(self):
+ return self.markers != None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return Data.__repr__(self) + " and regions " + self.regions.__repr__()
+class AggregatedData(Data):
+ def __init__(self, loader, path):
+ Data.__init__(self)
+ self.path = path
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.subdirs = None
+ self.subfiles = None
+ def get_subdirs(self):
+ if self.subdirs != None:
+ return self.subdirs
+ self.subdirs = []
+ if self.path != None:
+ for subdir in self.loader.db.iterate_dircontent(self.path, include_subdirs = True, include_subfiles = False):
+ self.subdirs.append(subdir)
+ return self.subdirs
+ def get_subfiles(self):
+ if self.subfiles != None:
+ return self.subfiles
+ self.subfiles = []
+ if self.path != None:
+ for subfile in self.loader.db.iterate_dircontent(self.path, include_subdirs = False, include_subfiles = True):
+ self.subfiles.append(subfile)
+ return self.subfiles
+class SelectData(Data):
+ def __init__(self, loader, path, file_id, region_id):
+ Data.__init__(self)
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.path = path
+ self.file_id = file_id
+ self.region_id = region_id
+ self.region = None
+ def get_path(self):
+ return self.path
+ def get_region(self):
+ if self.region == None and self.region_id != None:
+ row = self.loader.db.get_region(self.file_id, self.region_id)
+ if row != None:
+ self.region = FileRegionData(self.loader,
+ self.file_id,
+ self.region_id,
+ row.name,
+ row.begin,
+ row.end,
+ row.line_begin,
+ row.line_end,
+ row.cursor,
+ row.group,
+ row.checksum)
+ return self.region
+class DiffData(Data):
+ def __init__(self, new_data, old_data):
+ Data.__init__(self)
+ self.new_data = new_data
+ self.old_data = old_data
+ def get_data(self, namespace, field):
+ new_data = self.new_data.get_data(namespace, field)
+ old_data = self.old_data.get_data(namespace, field)
+ if new_data == None or old_data == None:
+ return None
+ return new_data - old_data
+# Packager Interface
+class PackagerError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Failed to pack or unpack.")
+class PackagerFactory(object):
+ def create(self, python_type):
+ if python_type == None:
+ return PackagerFactory.SkipPackager()
+ if python_type == int:
+ return PackagerFactory.IntPackager()
+ if python_type == float:
+ return PackagerFactory.FloatPackager()
+ if python_type == str:
+ return PackagerFactory.StringPackager()
+ class PackagerFactoryError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, python_type):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Python type '" + str(python_type) + "' is not supported by the factory.")
+ raise PackagerFactoryError(python_type)
+ def get_python_type(self, sql_type):
+ if sql_type == "integer":
+ return int
+ if sql_type == "real":
+ return float
+ if sql_type == "text":
+ return str
+ class PackagerFactoryError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, sql_type):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "SQL type '" + str(sql_type) + "' is not supported by the factory.")
+ raise PackagerFactoryError(sql_type)
+ class IPackager(object):
+ def pack(self, unpacked_data):
+ raise core.api.InterfaceNotImplemented(self)
+ def unpack(self, packed_data):
+ raise core.api.InterfaceNotImplemented(self)
+ def get_sql_type(self):
+ raise core.api.InterfaceNotImplemented(self)
+ def get_python_type(self):
+ raise core.api.InterfaceNotImplemented(self)
+ class IntPackager(IPackager):
+ def pack(self, unpacked_data):
+ if not isinstance(unpacked_data, int):
+ raise PackagerError()
+ return str(unpacked_data)
+ def unpack(self, packed_data):
+ try:
+ return int(packed_data)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise PackagerError()
+ def get_sql_type(self):
+ return "integer"
+ def get_python_type(self):
+ return int
+ class FloatPackager(IPackager):
+ def pack(self, unpacked_data):
+ if not isinstance(unpacked_data, float):
+ raise PackagerError()
+ return str(unpacked_data)
+ def unpack(self, packed_data):
+ try:
+ return float(packed_data)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise PackagerError()
+ def get_sql_type(self):
+ return "real"
+ def get_python_type(self):
+ return float
+ class StringPackager(IPackager):
+ def pack(self, unpacked_data):
+ if not isinstance(unpacked_data, str):
+ raise PackagerError()
+ return str(unpacked_data)
+ def unpack(self, packed_data):
+ try:
+ return str(packed_data)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise PackagerError()
+ def get_sql_type(self):
+ return "text"
+ def get_python_type(self):
+ return str
+ class SkipPackager(IPackager):
+ def pack(self, unpacked_data):
+ return None
+ def unpack(self, packed_data):
+ return None
+ def get_sql_type(self):
+ return None
+ def get_python_type(self):
+ return None
+# Loader
+class NamespaceError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, namespace, reason):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Namespace '"
+ + namespace
+ + "': '"
+ + reason
+ + "'")
+class FieldError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, field, reason):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Field '"
+ + field
+ + "': '"
+ + reason
+ + "'")
+class Namespace(object):
+ def __init__(self, db_handle, name, support_regions = False):
+ if not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise NamespaceError(name, "name not a string")
+ self.name = name
+ self.support_regions = support_regions
+ self.fields = {}
+ self.db = db_handle
+ if self.db.check_table(name) == False:
+ self.db.create_table(name, support_regions)
+ else:
+ for column in self.db.iterate_columns(name):
+ self.add_field(column.name, PackagerFactory().get_python_type(column.sql_type))
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.name
+ def are_regions_supported(self):
+ return self.support_regions
+ def add_field(self, field_name, python_type):
+ if not isinstance(field_name, str):
+ raise FieldError(field_name, "field_name not a string")
+ packager = PackagerFactory().create(python_type)
+ if field_name in self.fields.keys():
+ raise FieldError(field_name, "double used")
+ self.fields[field_name] = packager
+ if self.db.check_column(self.get_name(), field_name) == False:
+ self.db.create_column(self.name, field_name, packager.get_sql_type())
+ def iterate_field_names(self):
+ for name in self.fields.keys():
+ yield name
+ def get_field_packager(self, field_name):
+ if field_name in self.fields.keys():
+ return self.fields[field_name]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_field_sql_type(self, field_name):
+ return self.get_field_packager(field_name).get_sql_type()
+ def get_field_python_type(self, field_name):
+ return self.get_field_packager(field_name).get_python_type()
+class DataNotPackable(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, namespace, field, value, packager, extra_message):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Data '"
+ + str(value)
+ + "' of type "
+ + str(value.__class__)
+ + " referred by '"
+ + namespace
+ + "=>"
+ + field
+ + "' is not packable by registered packager '"
+ + str(packager.__class__)
+ + "': " + extra_message)
+class Loader(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.namespaces = {}
+ self.db = None
+ self.last_file_data = None # for performance boost reasons
+ def create_database(self, dbfile, previous_db = None):
+ self.db = core.db.sqlite.Database()
+ if os.path.exists(dbfile):
+ logging.warn("Removing existing file: " + dbfile)
+ os.unlink(dbfile)
+ if previous_db != None and os.path.exists(previous_db) == False:
+ raise core.api.ExitError(self, "Database file '" + previous_db + "' does not exist")
+ self.db.create(dbfile, clone_from=previous_db)
+ def open_database(self, dbfile, read_only = True):
+ self.db = core.db.sqlite.Database()
+ if os.path.exists(dbfile) == False:
+ raise core.api.ExitError(self, "Database file '" + dbfile + "' does not exist")
+ self.db.connect(dbfile, read_only=read_only)
+ for table in self.db.iterate_tables():
+ self.create_namespace(table.name, table.support_regions)
+ def create_namespace(self, name, support_regions = False):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ if name in self.namespaces.keys():
+ raise NamespaceError(name, "double used")
+ new_namespace = Namespace(self.db, name, support_regions)
+ self.namespaces[name] = new_namespace
+ return new_namespace
+ def iterate_namespace_names(self):
+ for name in self.namespaces.keys():
+ yield name
+ def get_namespace(self, name):
+ if name in self.namespaces.keys():
+ return self.namespaces[name]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def create_file_data(self, path, checksum, content):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ new_id = self.db.create_file(path, checksum)
+ result = FileData(self, path, new_id, checksum, content)
+ self.last_file_data = result
+ return result
+ def load_file_data(self, path):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ if self.last_file_data != None and self.last_file_data.get_path() == path:
+ return self.last_file_data
+ data = self.db.get_file(path)
+ if data == None:
+ return None
+ result = FileData(self, data.path, data.id, data.checksum, None)
+ self.last_file_data = result
+ return result
+ def save_file_data(self, file_data):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ class DataIterator(object):
+ def iterate_packed_values(self, data, namespace, support_regions = False):
+ for each in data.iterate_fields(namespace):
+ space = self.loader.get_namespace(namespace)
+ if space == None:
+ raise DataNotPackable(namespace, each[0], each[1], None, "The namespace has not been found")
+ packager = space.get_field_packager(each[0])
+ if packager == None:
+ raise DataNotPackable(namespace, each[0], each[1], None, "The field has not been found")
+ if space.support_regions != support_regions:
+ raise DataNotPackable(namespace, each[0], each[1], packager, "Incompatible support for regions")
+ try:
+ packed_data = packager.pack(each[1])
+ if packed_data == None:
+ continue
+ except PackagerError:
+ raise DataNotPackable(namespace, each[0], each[1], packager, "Packager raised exception")
+ yield (each[0], packed_data)
+ def __init__(self, loader, data, namespace, support_regions = False):
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.iterator = self.iterate_packed_values(data, namespace, support_regions)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.iterator
+ for namespace in file_data.iterate_namespaces():
+ if file_data.is_namespace_updated(namespace) == False:
+ continue
+ self.db.add_row(namespace,
+ file_data.get_id(),
+ None,
+ DataIterator(self, file_data, namespace))
+ if file_data.are_regions_loaded():
+ for region in file_data.iterate_regions():
+ for namespace in region.iterate_namespaces():
+ if region.is_namespace_updated(namespace) == False:
+ continue
+ self.db.add_row(namespace,
+ file_data.get_id(),
+ region.get_id(),
+ DataIterator(self, region, namespace, support_regions = True))
+ def iterate_file_data(self):
+ if self.db != None:
+ for data in self.db.iterate_files():
+ yield FileData(self, data.path, data.id, data.checksum, None)
+ def load_aggregated_data(self, path = None, path_like_filter = "%", namespaces = None):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ final_path_like = path_like_filter
+ if path != None:
+ if self.db.check_dir(path) == False and self.db.check_file(path) == False:
+ return None
+ final_path_like = path + path_like_filter
+ if namespaces == None:
+ namespaces = self.namespaces.keys()
+ result = AggregatedData(self, path)
+ for name in namespaces:
+ data = self.db.aggregate_rows(name, path_like = final_path_like)
+ for field in data.keys():
+ result.set_data(name, field, data[field])
+ return result
+ def load_selected_data(self, namespace, fields = None, path = None, path_like_filter = "%", filters = []):
+ if self.db == None:
+ return None
+ final_path_like = path_like_filter
+ if path != None:
+ if self.db.check_dir(path) == False and self.db.check_file(path) == False:
+ return None
+ final_path_like = path + path_like_filter
+ namespace_obj = self.get_namespace(namespace)
+ if namespace_obj == None:
+ return None
+ class SelectDataIterator(object):
+ def iterate_selected_values(self, loader, namespace_obj, final_path_like, fields, filters):
+ for row in loader.db.select_rows(namespace_obj.get_name(), path_like=final_path_like, filters=filters):
+ region_id = None
+ if namespace_obj.are_regions_supported() == True:
+ region_id = row['region_id']
+ data = SelectData(loader, row['path'], row['id'], region_id)
+ field_names = fields
+ if fields == None:
+ field_names = namespace_obj.iterate_field_names()
+ for field in field_names:
+ data.set_data(namespace, field, row[field])
+ yield data
+ def __init__(self, loader, namespace_obj, final_path_like, fields, filters):
+ self.iterator = self.iterate_selected_values(loader, namespace_obj, final_path_like, fields, filters)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.iterator
+ return SelectDataIterator(self, namespace_obj, final_path_like, fields, filters)