@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+# Metrix++, Copyright 2009-2013, Metrix++ Project
+# Link: http://metrixplusplus.sourceforge.net
+# This file is a part of Metrix++ Tool.
+# Metrix++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+# Metrix++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Metrix++. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import sqlite3
+import re
+import os.path
+import logging
+import itertools
+import shutil
+import traceback
+class Database(object):
+ last_used_id = 0
+ version = "1.0"
+ class TableData(object):
+ def __init__(self, table_id, name, support_regions):
+ self.id = table_id
+ self.name = name
+ self.support_regions = support_regions
+ class ColumnData(object):
+ def __init__(self, column_id, name, sql_type, non_zero):
+ self.id = column_id
+ self.name = name
+ self.sql_type = sql_type
+ self.non_zero = non_zero
+ class TagData(object):
+ def __init__(self, tag_id, name):
+ self.id = tag_id
+ self.name = name
+ class PropertyData(object):
+ def __init__(self, property_id, name, value):
+ self.id = property_id
+ self.name = name
+ self.value = value
+ class FileData(object):
+ def __init__(self, file_id, path, checksum):
+ self.id = file_id
+ self.path = path
+ self.checksum = checksum
+ class RegionData(object):
+ def __init__(self, file_id, region_id, name, begin, end, line_begin, line_end, cursor, group, checksum):
+ self.file_id = file_id
+ self.region_id = region_id
+ self.name = name
+ self.begin = begin
+ self.end = end
+ self.line_begin = line_begin
+ self.line_end = line_end
+ self.cursor = cursor
+ self.group = group
+ self.checksum = checksum
+ class MarkerData(object):
+ def __init__(self, file_id, begin, end, group):
+ self.file_id = file_id
+ self.begin = begin
+ self.end = end
+ self.group = group
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.read_only = False
+ self.conn = None
+ self.dirs = None
+ self.is_cloned = False
+ self.last_used_id += 1
+ self.id = self.last_used_id
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.conn != None:
+ if self.is_cloned == True:
+ logging.debug("Cleaning up database file")
+ self.InternalCleanUpUtils().clean_up_not_confirmed(self)
+ logging.debug("Committing database file")
+ self.conn.commit()
+ class InternalCleanUpUtils(object):
+ def clean_up_not_confirmed(self, db_loader):
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __info__ WHERE (confirmed = 0)"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __tags__ WHERE (confirmed = 0)"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tables__ WHERE (confirmed = 0)"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ for table in db_loader.conn.execute(sql).fetchall():
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __columns__ WHERE table_id = '" + str(table['id']) + "'"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __tables__ WHERE id = '" + str(table['id']) + "'"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "DROP TABLE '" + table['name'] + "'"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "SELECT __columns__.name AS column_name, __tables__.name AS table_name, __columns__.id AS column_id FROM __columns__, __tables__ WHERE (__columns__.confirmed = 0 AND __columns__.table_id = __tables__.id)"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ for column in db_loader.conn.execute(sql).fetchall():
+ logging.info("New database file inherits useless column: '" + column['table_name'] + "'.'" + column['column_name'] + "'")
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __columns__ WHERE id = '" + str(column['column_id']) + "'"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "UPDATE '" + column['table_name'] + "' SET '" + column['column_name'] + "' = NULL"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ self.clean_up_file(db_loader)
+ def clean_up_file(self, db_loader, file_id = None):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tables__"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ for table in itertools.chain(db_loader.conn.execute(sql).fetchall(), [{'name':'__regions__'}, {'name':'__markers__'}]):
+ sql = ""
+ if file_id == None:
+ sql = "DELETE FROM '" + table['name'] + "' WHERE file_id IN (SELECT __files__.id FROM __files__ WHERE __files__.confirmed = 0)"
+ else:
+ sql = "DELETE FROM '" + table['name'] + "' WHERE (file_id = " + str(file_id) + ")"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ db_loader.conn.execute(sql)
+ class InternalPathUtils(object):
+ def iterate_heads(self, path):
+ dirs = []
+ head = os.path.dirname(path)
+ last_head = None # to process Windows drives
+ while (head != "" and last_head != head):
+ dirs.append(os.path.basename(head))
+ last_head = head
+ head = os.path.dirname(head)
+ dirs.reverse()
+ for each in dirs:
+ yield each
+ def normalize_path(self, path):
+ if path == None:
+ return None
+ return re.sub(r'''[\\]''', "/", path)
+ def update_dirs(self, db_loader, path = None):
+ if db_loader.dirs == None:
+ if path == None:
+ db_loader.dirs = {} # initial construction
+ else:
+ return # avoid useless cache updates
+ elif path == None:
+ return # avoid multiple initial constructions
+ path = self.normalize_path(path)
+ rows = None
+ if path == None:
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __files__"
+ db_loader.log(sql)
+ rows = db_loader.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ else:
+ rows = [{"path": path}]
+ for row in rows:
+ cur_head = db_loader.dirs
+ for dir_name in self.iterate_heads(row["path"]):
+ if dir_name not in cur_head.keys():
+ cur_head[dir_name] = {}
+ cur_head = cur_head[dir_name]
+ cur_head[os.path.basename(row["path"])] = None
+ def create(self, file_name, clone_from = None):
+ if clone_from != None:
+ self.is_cloned = True
+ logging.debug("Cloning database file: " + clone_from)
+ shutil.copy2(clone_from, file_name)
+ logging.debug("Connecting database file: " + file_name)
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(file_name)
+ self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ self.read_only = False
+ sql = "UPDATE __tables__ SET confirmed = 0"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "UPDATE __columns__ SET confirmed = 0"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "UPDATE __tags__ SET confirmed = 0"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "UPDATE __files__ SET confirmed = 0"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ else:
+ self.connect(file_name)
+ def connect(self, file_name, read_only = False):
+ logging.debug("Connecting database file: " + file_name)
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(file_name)
+ self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ self.read_only = read_only
+ if self.read_only == False:
+ try:
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __info__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, property text NOT NULL, value text, confirmed integer NOT NULL, UNIQUE (property) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "INSERT INTO __info__ (property, value, confirmed) VALUES ('version', '" + self.version + "', 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __tables__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, version text NOT NULL, support_regions integer NOT NULL, confirmed integer NOT NULL, UNIQUE (name))"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __columns__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, table_id integer NOT_NULL, non_zero integer NOT NULL, confirmed integer NOT NULL, UNIQUE (name, table_id))"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __tags__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL UNIQUE, confirmed integer NOT NULL)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __files__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, path text NOT NULL, checksum integer NOT NULL, tag1 integer, tag2 integer, tag3 integer, confirmed integer NOT NULL, UNIQUE(path))"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __regions__ (file_id integer NOT NULL, region_id integer NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, begin integer NOT NULL, end integer NOT NULL, line_begin integer NOT NULL, line_end integer NOT NULL, cursor integer NOT NULL, group_id integer NOT NULL, checksum integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (file_id, region_id))"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE __markers__ (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, file_id integer NOT NULL, begin integer NOT NULL, end integer NOT NULL, group_id integer NOT NULL)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
+ logging.debug("sqlite3.OperationalError: " + str(e))
+ def set_property(self, property_name, value):
+ ret_val = None
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __info__ WHERE (property = '" + property_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ ret_val = result[0]['value']
+ sql = "INSERT INTO __info__ (property, value, confirmed) VALUES ('" + property_name + "', '" + value + "', 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return ret_val
+ def get_property(self, property_name):
+ ret_val = None
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __info__ WHERE (property = '" + property_name + "' AND confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ ret_val = result[0]['value']
+ return ret_val
+ def iterate_properties(self):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __info__ WHERE (confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ for each in self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall():
+ yield self.PropertyData(each['id'], each['property'], each['value'])
+ def create_table(self, table_name, support_regions = False, version='1.0'):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "'AND confirmed == 0)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ if result[0]['version'] != version:
+ # in case of changes in version, drop existing table data
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __columns__ WHERE table_id = '" + str(result[0]['id']) + "'"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "DELETE FROM __tables__ WHERE id = '" + str(result[0]['id']) + "'"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "DROP TABLE '" + result[0]['name'] + "'"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ else:
+ sql = "UPDATE __tables__ SET confirmed = 1 WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return False
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE '" + table_name + "' (file_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"
+ if support_regions == True:
+ sql = str("CREATE TABLE '" + table_name + "' (file_id integer NOT NULL, region_id integer NOT NULL, "
+ + "PRIMARY KEY (file_id, region_id))")
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "INSERT INTO __tables__ (name, version, support_regions, confirmed) VALUES ('" + table_name + "', '" + version + "', '" + str(int(support_regions)) + "', 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return True
+ def iterate_tables(self):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tables__ WHERE (confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ for row in result:
+ yield self.TableData(int(row["id"]), str(row["name"]), bool(row["support_regions"]))
+ def check_table(self, table_name):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "' AND confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def create_column(self, table_name, column_name, column_type, non_zero=False):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ if column_type == None:
+ logging.debug("Skipping column '" + column_name + "' creation for table '" + table_name + "'")
+ return
+ sql = "SELECT id FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ table_id = self.conn.execute(sql).next()['id']
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __columns__ WHERE (table_id = '" + str(table_id) + "' AND name = '" + column_name + "' AND confirmed == 0)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ # Major changes in columns should result in step up of table version,
+ # which causes drop the table in case of database reuse
+ assert(result[0]['type'] == column_type)
+ assert(result[0]['non_zero'] == non_zero)
+ sql = "UPDATE __columns__ SET confirmed = 1 WHERE (table_id = '" + str(table_id) + "' AND name = '" + column_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return False
+ sql = "ALTER TABLE '" + table_name + "' ADD COLUMN '" + column_name + "' " + column_type
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ sql = "SELECT id FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ table_id = self.conn.execute(sql).next()['id']
+ sql = "INSERT INTO __columns__ (name, type, table_id, non_zero, confirmed) VALUES ('" + column_name + "', '" + column_type + "', '" + str(table_id) + "', '" + str(int(non_zero)) + "', 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return True
+ def iterate_columns(self, table_name):
+ sql = "SELECT id FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ table_id = self.conn.execute(sql).next()['id']
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __columns__ WHERE (table_id = '" + str(table_id) + "' AND confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ for row in result:
+ yield self.ColumnData(int(row["id"]), str(row["name"]), str(row["type"]), bool(row["non_zero"]))
+ def check_column(self, table_name, column_name):
+ sql = "SELECT id FROM __tables__ WHERE (name = '" + table_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ table_id = self.conn.execute(sql).next()['id']
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __columns__ WHERE (table_id = '" + str(table_id) + "' AND name = '" + column_name + "' AND confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def create_tag(self, tag_name):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tags__ WHERE (name = '" + tag_name + "' AND confirmed == 0)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ sql = "UPDATE __tags__ SET confirmed = 1 WHERE (name = '" + tag_name + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return
+ sql = "INSERT INTO __tags__ (name, confirmed) VALUES ('" + tag_name + "', 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ def iterate_tags(self):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tags__ WHERE (confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ for row in result:
+ yield self.TagData(int(row["id"]), str(row["name"]))
+ def check_tag(self, tag_name):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __tags__ WHERE (name = '" + tag_name + "' AND confirmed = 1)"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+ # TODO activate usage of tags
+ def create_file(self, path, checksum):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ path = self.InternalPathUtils().normalize_path(path)
+ if self.is_cloned == True:
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM __files__ WHERE (path = '" + path + "')"
+ self.log(sql)
+ result = self.conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
+ if len(result) != 0:
+ if result[0]['checksum'] == checksum:
+ old_id = result[0]['id']
+ sql = "UPDATE __files__ SET confirmed = 1 WHERE (id = " + str(old_id) +")"
+ self.log(sql)
+ self.conn.execute(sql)
+ return (old_id, False)
+ else:
+ self.InternalCleanUpUtils().clean_up_file(self, result[0]['id'])
+ sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO __files__ (path, checksum, confirmed) VALUES (?, ?, 1)"
+ column_data = [path, checksum]
+ self.log(sql + " /with arguments: " + str(column_data))
+ cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(sql, column_data)
+ self.InternalPathUtils().update_dirs(self, path=path)
+ return (cur.lastrowid, True)
+ def iterate_dircontent(self, path, include_subdirs = True, include_subfiles = True):
+ self.InternalPathUtils().update_dirs(self)
+ path = self.InternalPathUtils().normalize_path(path)
+ cur_head = self.dirs
+ valid = True
+ if path != "":
+ for head in self.InternalPathUtils().iterate_heads(path):
+ if head not in cur_head.keys():
+ # non existing directory
+ valid = False
+ else:
+ cur_head = cur_head[head]
+ basename = os.path.basename(path)
+ if basename not in cur_head.keys() or cur_head[basename] == None:
+ # do not exist or points to the file
+ valid = False
+ else:
+ cur_head = cur_head[basename]
+ if valid == True:
+ for elem in cur_head.keys():
+ if include_subdirs == True and cur_head[elem] != None:
+ yield elem
+ if include_subfiles == True and cur_head[elem] == None:
+ yield elem
+ def check_file(self, path):
+ return self.get_file(path) != None
+ def check_dir(self, path):
+ for each in self.iterate_dircontent(path):
+ each = each # used
+ return True # there is at least one item
+ return False
+ def get_file(self, path):
+ path = self.InternalPathUtils().normalize_path(path)
+ result = self.select_rows("__files__", filters = [("path", "=", path), ("confirmed", "=", 1)])
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return None
+ assert(len(result) == 1)
+ return self.FileData(result[0]['id'], result[0]['path'], result[0]['checksum'])
+ def iterate_files(self, path_like = None):
+ for row in self.select_rows('__files__', path_like=path_like, filters=[('confirmed','=','1')]):
+ yield self.FileData(row['id'], row['path'], row['checksum'])
+ def create_region(self, file_id, region_id, name, begin, end, line_begin, line_end, cursor, group, checksum):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO __regions__ (file_id, region_id, name, begin, end, line_begin, line_end, cursor, group_id, checksum) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
+ column_data = [file_id, region_id, name, begin, end, line_begin, line_end, cursor, group, checksum]
+ self.log(sql + " /with arguments: " + str(column_data))
+ cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(sql, column_data)
+ return cur.lastrowid
+ def get_region(self, file_id, region_id):
+ result = self.select_rows("__regions__", filters = [("file_id", "=", file_id), ("region_id", "=", region_id)])
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return None
+ return self.RegionData(result[0]['file_id'],
+ result[0]['region_id'],
+ result[0]['name'],
+ result[0]['begin'],
+ result[0]['end'],
+ result[0]['line_begin'],
+ result[0]['line_end'],
+ result[0]['cursor'],
+ result[0]['group_id'],
+ result[0]['checksum'])
+ def iterate_regions(self, file_id):
+ for each in self.select_rows("__regions__", filters = [("file_id", "=", file_id)]):
+ yield self.RegionData(each['file_id'],
+ each['region_id'],
+ each['name'],
+ each['begin'],
+ each['end'],
+ each['line_begin'],
+ each['line_end'],
+ each['cursor'],
+ each['group_id'],
+ each['checksum'])
+ def create_marker(self, file_id, begin, end, group):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO __markers__ (file_id, begin, end, group_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
+ column_data = [file_id, begin, end, group]
+ self.log(sql + " /with arguments: " + str(column_data))
+ cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(sql, column_data)
+ return cur.lastrowid
+ def iterate_markers(self, file_id):
+ for each in self.select_rows("__markers__", filters = [("file_id", "=", file_id)]):
+ yield self.MarkerData(each['file_id'],
+ each['begin'],
+ each['end'],
+ each['group_id'])
+ def add_row(self, table_name, file_id, region_id, array_data):
+ assert(self.read_only == False)
+ column_names = "'file_id'"
+ column_values = "?"
+ column_data = [file_id]
+ if region_id != None:
+ column_names += ", 'region_id'"
+ column_values += ", ?"
+ column_data.append(region_id)
+ useful_data = 0
+ for each in array_data:
+ column_names += ", '" + each[0] + "'"
+ column_values += ", ?"
+ column_data.append(each[1])
+ useful_data += 1
+ if useful_data == 0:
+ return
+ sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO '" + table_name + "' (" + column_names + ") VALUES (" + column_values + ")"
+ self.log(sql + " /with arguments: " + str(column_data))
+ cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(sql, column_data)
+ return cur.lastrowid
+ def select_rows(self, table_name, path_like = None, column_names = [], filters = [], order_by = None, limit_by = None):
+ safe_column_names = []
+ for each in column_names:
+ safe_column_names.append("'" + each + "'")
+ return self.select_rows_unsafe(table_name, path_like = path_like,
+ column_names = safe_column_names, filters = filters,
+ order_by = order_by, limit_by = limit_by)
+ def select_rows_unsafe(self, table_name, path_like = None, column_names = [], filters = [],
+ group_by = None, order_by = None, limit_by = None):
+ path_like = self.InternalPathUtils().normalize_path(path_like)
+ if self.conn == None:
+ return []
+ table_stmt = "'" + table_name + "'"
+ what_stmt = ", ".join(column_names)
+ if len(what_stmt) == 0:
+ what_stmt = "*"
+ elif path_like != None and table_name != '__files__' and group_by == None:
+ what_stmt += ", '__files__'.'path', '__files__'.'id'"
+ inner_stmt = ""
+ if path_like != None and table_name != '__files__':
+ inner_stmt = " INNER JOIN '__files__' ON '__files__'.'id' = '" + table_name + "'.'file_id' "
+ where_stmt = " "
+ values = ()
+ if len(filters) != 0:
+ if filters[0][1] == 'IN':
+ where_stmt = " WHERE (`" + filters[0][0] + "` " + filters[0][1] + " " + filters[0][2]
+ else:
+ where_stmt = " WHERE (`" + filters[0][0] + "` " + filters[0][1] + " ?"
+ values = (filters[0][2],)
+ for each in filters[1:]:
+ if each[1] == 'IN':
+ where_stmt += " AND `" + each[0] + "` " + each[1] + " " + each[2]
+ else:
+ where_stmt += " AND `" + each[0] + "` " + each[1] + " ?"
+ values += (each[2], )
+ if path_like != None:
+ where_stmt += " AND '__files__'.'path' LIKE ?"
+ values += (path_like, )
+ where_stmt += ")"
+ elif path_like != None:
+ where_stmt = " WHERE '__files__'.'path' LIKE ?"
+ values += (path_like, )
+ group_stmt = ""
+ if group_by != None:
+ group_stmt = " GROUP BY (`" + group_by + "`)"
+ order_stmt = ""
+ if order_by != None:
+ if order_by.startswith("-"):
+ order_stmt = " ORDER BY (`" + order_by[1:] + "`) DESC "
+ else:
+ order_stmt = " ORDER BY (`" + order_by + "`) "
+ limit_stmt = ""
+ if limit_by != None:
+ limit_stmt = " LIMIT " + str(limit_by)
+ sql = "SELECT " + what_stmt + " FROM " + table_stmt + inner_stmt + where_stmt + group_stmt + order_stmt + limit_stmt
+ self.log(sql + " /with arguments: " + str(values))
+ return self.conn.execute(sql, values).fetchall()
+ def get_row(self, table_name, file_id, region_id):
+ selected = self.get_rows(table_name, file_id, region_id)
+ # assures that only one row in database
+ # if assertion happens, caller's intention is not right, use get_rows instead
+ assert(len(selected) == 0 or len(selected) == 1)
+ if len(selected) == 0:
+ return None
+ return selected[0]
+ def get_rows(self, table_name, file_id, region_id):
+ filters = [("file_id", '=', file_id)]
+ if region_id != None:
+ filters.append(("region_id", '=', region_id))
+ return self.select_rows(table_name, filters=filters)
+ def aggregate_rows(self, table_name, path_like = None, column_names = None, filters = []):
+ if column_names == None:
+ column_names = []
+ for column in self.iterate_columns(table_name):
+ column_names.append(column.name)
+ if len(column_names) == 0:
+ # it is possible that a table does not have meanfull columns
+ return {}
+ total_column_names = []
+ for column_name in column_names:
+ for func in ['max', 'min', 'avg', 'total', 'count']:
+ total_column_names.append(func + "('" + table_name + "'.'" + column_name + "') AS " + "'" + column_name + "_" + func + "'")
+ data = self.select_rows_unsafe(table_name, path_like = path_like, column_names = total_column_names, filters = filters)
+ assert(len(data) == 1)
+ result = {}
+ for column_name in column_names:
+ result[column_name] = {}
+ for func in ['max', 'min', 'avg', 'total', 'count']:
+ result[column_name][func] = data[0][column_name + "_" + func]
+ return result
+ def count_rows(self, table_name, path_like = None, group_by_column = None, filters = []):
+ count_column_names = None
+ if group_by_column != None:
+ for column in self.iterate_columns(table_name):
+ if group_by_column == column.name:
+ count_column_names = ["`" + group_by_column + "`", "COUNT(`" + group_by_column + "`)"]
+ break
+ else:
+ count_column_names = ["COUNT(*)"]
+ if count_column_names == None:
+ return []
+ data = self.select_rows_unsafe(table_name, path_like = path_like, column_names = count_column_names,
+ filters = filters, group_by = group_by_column)
+ return data
+ def log(self, sql):
+ if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
+ logging.debug("[" + str(self.id) + "] Executing query: " + sql)
+ traceback.print_stack()