@@ -18,12 +18,9 @@
-import subprocess
-import os.path
-import itertools
+import os
-import mpp.log
-import mpp.cmdparser
+import mpp.internal.loader
import mpp.api
class Tool(mpp.api.ITool):
@@ -31,37 +28,12 @@ class Tool(mpp.api.ITool):
return main(tool_args)
def main(tool_args):
- exit_code = 0
- log_plugin = mpp.log.Plugin()
- parser = mpp.cmdparser.MultiOptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog test [options] -- [testgroup-dir-path-1[/testsuite-file-path-1]] ... [...path-N]")
- log_plugin.declare_configuration(parser, default_value='ERROR')
- parser.add_option("-g", "--generate-golds", "--gg", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="If the option is set (True), new gold files are generated (replacing existing) [default: %default]")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args(tool_args)
- log_plugin.configure(options)
- os.environ['METRIXPLUSPLUS_TEST_GENERATE_GOLDS'] = str(options.__dict__['generate_golds'])
- os.environ['METRIXPLUSPLUS_TEST_MODE'] = str("True")
- tests_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['METRIXPLUSPLUS_INSTALL_DIR'], 'tests')
- process_data= ["python", "-m", "unittest", "discover", "-v", "-s"]
- if len(args) == 0 or tests_dir == os.path.abspath(args[0]):
- for fname in os.listdir(tests_dir):
- full_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, fname)
- if os.path.isdir(full_path) and fname != "sources":
- exit_code += subprocess.call(itertools.chain(process_data, [full_path]),
- else:
- for arg in args:
- if os.path.isdir(arg):
- exit_code += subprocess.call(itertools.chain(process_data, [arg]),
- else:
- dir_name = os.path.dirname(arg)
- file_name = os.path.basename(arg)
- exit_code += subprocess.call(itertools.chain(process_data, [dir_name, "-p", file_name]),
+ loader = mpp.internal.loader.Loader()
+ mpp_paths = []
+ if 'METRIXPLUSPLUS_PATH' in os.environ.keys():
+ mpp_paths = os.environ['METRIXPLUSPLUS_PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
+ args = loader.load('test', mpp_paths, tool_args)
+ exit_code = loader.run(args)
+ loader.unload()
return exit_code