@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+package XML::Simple::FAQ;
+=head1 Frequently Asked Questions about XML::Simple
+=head1 Basics
+=head2 What is XML::Simple designed to be used for?
+XML::Simple is a Perl module that was originally developed as a tool for
+reading and writing configuration data in XML format. You can use it for
+many other purposes that involve storing and retrieving structured data in
+You might also find XML::Simple a good starting point for playing with XML
+from Perl. It doesn't have a steep learning curve and if you outgrow its
+capabilities there are plenty of other Perl/XML modules to 'step up' to.
+=head2 Why store configuration data in XML anyway?
+The many advantages of using XML format for configuration data include:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Using existing XML parsing tools requires less development time, is easier
+and more robust than developing your own config file parsing code
+=item *
+XML can represent relationships between pieces of data, such as nesting of
+sections to arbitrary levels (not easily done with .INI files for example)
+=item *
+XML is basically just text, so you can easily edit a config file (easier than
+editing a Win32 registry)
+=item *
+XML provides standard solutions for handling character sets and encoding
+beyond basic ASCII (important for internationalization)
+=item *
+If it becomes necessary to change your configuration file format, there are
+many tools available for performing transformations on XML files
+=item *
+XML is an open standard (the world does not need more proprietary binary
+file formats)
+=item *
+Taking the extra step of developing a DTD allows the format of configuration
+files to be validated before your program reads them (not directly supported
+by XML::Simple)
+=item *
+Combining a DTD with a good XML editor can give you a GUI config editor for
+minimal coding effort
+=head2 What isn't XML::Simple good for?
+The main limitation of XML::Simple is that it does not work with 'mixed
+content' (see the next question). If you consider your XML files contain
+marked up text rather than structured data, you should probably use another
+If you are working with very large XML files, XML::Simple's approach of
+representing the whole file in memory as a 'tree' data structure may not be
+=head2 What is mixed content?
+Consider this example XML:
+ <document>
+ <para>This is <em>mixed</em> content.</para>
+ </document>
+This is said to be mixed content, because the E<lt>paraE<gt> element contains
+both character data (text content) and nested elements.
+Here's some more XML:
+ <person>
+ <first_name>Joe</first_name>
+ <last_name>Bloggs</last_name>
+ <dob>25-April-1969</dob>
+ </person>
+This second example is not generally considered to be mixed content. The
+E<lt>first_nameE<gt>, E<lt>last_nameE<gt> and E<lt>dobE<gt> elements contain
+only character data and the E<lt>personE<gt> element contains only nested
+elements. (Note: Strictly speaking, the whitespace between the nested
+elements is character data, but it is ignored by XML::Simple).
+=head2 Why doesn't XML::Simple handle mixed content?
+Because if it did, it would no longer be simple :-)
+Seriously though, there are plenty of excellent modules that allow you to
+work with mixed content in a variety of ways. Handling mixed content
+correctly is not easy and by ignoring these issues, XML::Simple is able to
+present an API without a steep learning curve.
+=head2 Which Perl modules do handle mixed content?
+Every one of them except XML::Simple :-)
+If you're looking for a recommendation, I'd suggest you look at the Perl-XML
+FAQ at:
+ http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/faq/
+=head1 Installation
+=head2 How do I install XML::Simple?
+If you're running ActiveState Perl, you've probably already got XML::Simple
+(although you may want to upgrade to version 1.09 or better for SAX support).
+If you do need to install XML::Simple, you'll need to install an XML parser
+module first. Install either XML::Parser (which you may have already) or
+XML::SAX. If you install both, XML::SAX will be used by default.
+Once you have a parser installed ...
+On Unix systems, try:
+ perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'
+If that doesn't work, download the latest distribution from
+ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRANTM , unpack it and run these
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+On Win32, if you have a recent build of ActiveState Perl (618 or better) try
+this command:
+ ppm install XML::Simple
+If that doesn't work, you really only need the Simple.pm file, so extract it
+from the .tar.gz file (eg: using WinZIP) and save it in the \site\lib\XML
+directory under your Perl installation (typically C:\Perl).
+=head2 I'm trying to install XML::Simple and 'make test' fails
+Is the directory where you've unpacked XML::Simple mounted from a file server
+using NFS, SMB or some other network file sharing? If so, that may cause
+errors in the the following test scripts:
+ 3_Storable.t
+ 4_MemShare.t
+ 5_MemCopy.t
+The test suite is designed to exercise the boundary conditions of all
+XML::Simple's functionality and these three scripts exercise the caching
+functions. If XML::Simple is asked to parse a file for which it has a cached
+copy of a previous parse, then it compares the timestamp on the XML file with
+the timestamp on the cached copy. If the cached copy is *newer* then it will
+be used. If the cached copy is older or the same age then the file is
+re-parsed. The test scripts will get confused by networked filesystems if
+the workstation and server system clocks are not synchronised (to the
+If you get an error in one of these three test scripts but you don't plan to
+use the caching options (they're not enabled by default), then go right ahead
+and run 'make install'. If you do plan to use caching, then try unpacking
+the distribution on local disk and doing the build/test there.
+It's probably not a good idea to use the caching options with networked
+filesystems in production. If the file server's clock is ahead of the local
+clock, XML::Simple will re-parse files when it could have used the cached
+copy. However if the local clock is ahead of the file server clock and a
+file is changed immediately after it is cached, the old cached copy will be
+Is one of the three test scripts (above) failing but you're not running on
+a network filesystem? Are you running Win32? If so, you may be seeing a bug
+in Win32 where writes to a file do not affect its modfication timestamp.
+If none of these scenarios match your situation, please confirm you're
+running the latest version of XML::Simple and then email the output of
+'make test' to me at grantm@cpan.org
+=head2 Why is XML::Simple so slow?
+If you find that XML::Simple is very slow reading XML, the most likely reason
+is that you have XML::SAX installed but no additional SAX parser module. The
+XML::SAX distribution includes an XML parser written entirely in Perl. This is
+very portable but not very fast. For better performance install either
+XML::SAX::Expat or XML::LibXML.
+=head1 Usage
+=head2 How do I use XML::Simple?
+If you had an XML document called /etc/appconfig/foo.xml you could 'slurp' it
+into a simple data structure (typically a hashref) with these lines of code:
+ use XML::Simple;
+ my $config = XMLin('/etc/appconfig/foo.xml');
+The XMLin() function accepts options after the filename.
+=head2 There are so many options, which ones do I really need to know about?
+Although you can get by without using any options, you shouldn't even
+consider using XML::Simple in production until you know what these two
+options do:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+The reason you really need to read about them is because the default values
+for these options will trip you up if you don't. Although everyone agrees
+that these defaults are not ideal, there is not wide agreement on what they
+should be changed to. The answer therefore is to read about them (see below)
+and select values which are right for you.
+=head2 What is the forcearray option all about?
+Consider this XML in a file called ./person.xml:
+ <person>
+ <first_name>Joe</first_name>
+ <last_name>Bloggs</last_name>
+ <hobbie>bungy jumping</hobbie>
+ <hobbie>sky diving</hobbie>
+ <hobbie>knitting</hobbie>
+ </person>
+You could read it in with this line:
+ my $person = XMLin('./person.xml');
+Which would give you a data structure like this:
+ $person = {
+ 'first_name' => 'Joe',
+ 'last_name' => 'Bloggs',
+ 'hobbie' => [ 'bungy jumping', 'sky diving', 'knitting' ]
+ };
+The E<lt>first_nameE<gt> and E<lt>last_nameE<gt> elements are represented as
+simple scalar values which you could refer to like this:
+ print "$person->{first_name} $person->{last_name}\n";
+The E<lt>hobbieE<gt> elements are represented as an array - since there is
+more than one. You could refer to the first one like this:
+ print $person->{hobbie}->[0], "\n";
+Or the whole lot like this:
+ print join(', ', @{$person->{hobbie}} ), "\n";
+The catch is, that these last two lines of code will only work for people
+who have more than one hobbie. If there is only one E<lt>hobbieE<gt>
+element, it will be represented as a simple scalar (just like
+E<lt>first_nameE<gt> and E<lt>last_nameE<gt>). Which might lead you to write
+code like this:
+ if(ref($person->{hobbie})) {
+ print join(', ', @{$person->{hobbie}} ), "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print $person->{hobbie}, "\n";
+ }
+Don't do that.
+One alternative approach is to set the forcearray option to a true value:
+ my $person = XMLin('./person.xml', forcearray => 1);
+Which will give you a data structure like this:
+ $person = {
+ 'first_name' => [ 'Joe' ],
+ 'last_name' => [ 'Bloggs' ],
+ 'hobbie' => [ 'bungy jumping', 'sky diving', 'knitting' ]
+ };
+Then you can use this line to refer to all the list of hobbies even if there
+was only one:
+ print join(', ', @{$person->{hobbie}} ), "\n";
+The downside of this approach is that the E<lt>first_nameE<gt> and
+E<lt>last_nameE<gt> elements will also always be represented as arrays even
+though there will never be more than one:
+ print "$person->{first_name}->[0] $person->{last_name}->[0]\n";
+This might be OK if you change the XML to use attributes for things that
+will always be singular and nested elements for things that may be plural:
+ <person first_name="Jane" last_name="Bloggs">
+ <hobbie>motorcycle maintenance</hobbie>
+ </person>
+On the other hand, if you prefer not to use attributes, then you could
+specify that any E<lt>hobbieE<gt> elements should always be represented as
+arrays and all other nested elements should be simple scalar values unless
+there is more than one:
+ my $person = XMLin('./person.xml', forcearray => [ 'hobbie' ]);
+The forcearray option accepts a list of element names which should always
+be forced to an array representation:
+ forcearray => [ qw(hobbie qualification childs_name) ]
+See the XML::Simple manual page for more information.
+=head2 What is the keyattr option all about?
+Consider this sample XML:
+ <catalog>
+ <part partnum="1842334" desc="High pressure flange" price="24.50" />
+ <part partnum="9344675" desc="Threaded gasket" price="9.25" />
+ <part partnum="5634896" desc="Low voltage washer" price="12.00" />
+ </catalog>
+You could slurp it in with this code:
+ my $catalog = XMLin('./catalog.xml');
+Which would return a data structure like this:
+ $catalog = {
+ 'part' => [
+ {
+ 'partnum' => '1842334',
+ 'desc' => 'High pressure flange',
+ 'price' => '24.50'
+ },
+ {
+ 'partnum' => '9344675',
+ 'desc' => 'Threaded gasket',
+ 'price' => '9.25'
+ },
+ {
+ 'partnum' => '5634896',
+ 'desc' => 'Low voltage washer',
+ 'price' => '12.00'
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+Then you could access the description of the first part in the catalog
+with this code:
+ print $catalog->{part}->[0]->{desc}, "\n";
+However, if you wanted to access the description of the part with the
+part number of "9344675" then you'd have to code a loop like this:
+ foreach my $part (@{$catalog->{part}}) {
+ if($part->{partnum} eq '9344675') {
+ print $part->{desc}, "\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+The knowledge that each E<lt>partE<gt> element has a unique partnum attribute
+allows you to eliminate this search. You can pass this knowledge on to
+XML::Simple like this:
+ my $catalog = XMLin($xml, keyattr => ['partnum']);
+Which will return a data structure like this:
+ $catalog = {
+ 'part' => {
+ '5634896' => { 'desc' => 'Low voltage washer', 'price' => '12.00' },
+ '1842334' => { 'desc' => 'High pressure flange', 'price' => '24.50' },
+ '9344675' => { 'desc' => 'Threaded gasket', 'price' => '9.25' }
+ }
+ };
+XML::Simple has been able to transform $catalog->{part} from an arrayref to
+a hashref (keyed on partnum). This transformation is called 'array folding'.
+Through the use of array folding, you can now index directly to the
+description of the part you want:
+ print $catalog->{part}->{9344675}->{desc}, "\n";
+The 'keyattr' option also enables array folding when the unique key is in a
+nested element rather than an attribute. eg:
+ <catalog>
+ <part>
+ <partnum>1842334</partnum>
+ <desc>High pressure flange</desc>
+ <price>24.50</price>
+ </part>
+ <part>
+ <partnum>9344675</partnum>
+ <desc>Threaded gasket</desc>
+ <price>9.25</price>
+ </part>
+ <part>
+ <partnum>5634896</partnum>
+ <desc>Low voltage washer</desc>
+ <price>12.00</price>
+ </part>
+ </catalog>
+See the XML::Simple manual page for more information.
+=head2 So what's the catch with 'keyattr'?
+One thing to watch out for is that you might get array folding even if you
+don't supply the keyattr option. The default value for this option is:
+ [ 'name', 'key', 'id']
+Which means if your XML elements have a 'name', 'key' or 'id' attribute (or
+nested element) then they may get folded on those values. This means that
+you can take advantage of array folding simply through careful choice of
+attribute names. On the hand, if you really don't want array folding at all,
+you'll need to set 'key attr to an empty list:
+ my $ref = XMLin($xml, keyattr => []);
+A second 'gotcha' is that array folding only works on arrays. That might
+seem obvious, but if there's only one record in your XML and you didn't set
+the 'forcearray' option then it won't be represented as an array and
+consequently won't get folded into a hash. The moral is that if you're
+using array folding, you should always turn on the forcearray option.
+You probably want to be as specific as you can be too. For instance, the
+safest way to parse the E<lt>catalogE<gt> example above would be:
+ my $catalog = XMLin($xml, keyattr => { part => 'partnum'},
+ forcearray => ['part']);
+By using the hashref for keyattr, you can specify that only E<lt>partE<gt>
+elements should be folded on the 'partnum' attribute (and that the
+E<lt>partE<gt> elements should not be folded on any other attribute).
+By supplying a list of element names for forcearray, you're ensuring that
+folding will work even if there's only one E<lt>partE<gt>. You're also
+ensuring that if the 'partnum' unique key is supplied in a nested element
+then that element won't get forced to an array too.
+=head2 How do I know what my data structure should look like?
+The rules are fairly straightforward:
+=over 4
+=item *
+each element gets represented as a hash
+=item *
+unless it contains only text, in which case it'll be a simple scalar value
+=item *
+or unless there's more than one element with the same name, in which case
+they'll be represented as an array
+=item *
+unless you've got array folding enabled, in which case they'll be folded into
+a hash
+=item *
+empty elements (no text contents B<and> no attributes) will either be
+represented as an empty hash, an empty string or undef - depending on the value
+of the 'suppressempty' option.
+If you're in any doubt, use Data::Dumper, eg:
+ use XML::Simple;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my $ref = XMLin($xml);
+ print Dumper($ref);
+=head2 I'm getting 'Use of uninitialized value' warnings
+You're probably trying to index into a non-existant hash key - try
+=head2 I'm getting a 'Not an ARRAY reference' error
+Something that you expect to be an array is not. The two most likely causes
+are that you forgot to use 'forcearray' or that the array got folded into a
+hash - try Data::Dumper.
+=head2 I'm getting a 'No such array field' error
+Something that you expect to be a hash is actually an array. Perhaps array
+folding failed because one element was missing the key attribute - try
+=head2 I'm getting an 'Out of memory' error
+Something in the data structure is not as you expect and Perl may be trying
+unsuccessfully to autovivify things - try Data::Dumper.
+If you're already using Data::Dumper, try calling Dumper() immediately after
+XMLin() - ie: before you attempt to access anything in the data structure.
+=head2 My element order is getting jumbled up
+If you read an XML file with XMLin() and then write it back out with
+XMLout(), the order of the elements will likely be different. (However, if
+you read the file back in with XMLin() you'll get the same Perl data
+The reordering happens because XML::Simple uses hashrefs to store your data
+and Perl hashes do not really have any order.
+It is possible that a future version of XML::Simple will use Tie::IxHash
+to store the data in hashrefs which do retain the order. However this will
+not fix all cases of element order being lost.
+If your application really is sensitive to element order, don't use
+XML::Simple (and don't put order-sensitive values in attributes).
+=head2 XML::Simple turns nested elements into attributes
+If you read an XML file with XMLin() and then write it back out with
+XMLout(), some data which was originally stored in nested elements may end up
+in attributes. (However, if you read the file back in with XMLin() you'll
+get the same Perl data structure).
+There are a number of ways you might handle this:
+=over 4
+=item *
+use the 'forcearray' option with XMLin()
+=item *
+use the 'noattr' option with XMLout()
+=item *
+live with it
+=item *
+don't use XML::Simple
+=head2 Why does XMLout() insert E<lt>nameE<gt> elements (or attributes)?
+Try setting keyattr => [].
+When you call XMLin() to read XML, the 'keyattr' option controls whether arrays
+get 'folded' into hashes. Similarly, when you call XMLout(), the 'keyattr'
+option controls whether hashes get 'unfolded' into arrays. As described above,
+'keyattr' is enabled by default.
+=head2 Why are empty elements represented as empty hashes?
+An element is always represented as a hash unless it contains only text, in
+which case it is represented as a scalar string.
+If you would prefer empty elements to be represented as empty strings or the
+undefined value, set the 'suppressempty' option to '' or undef respectively.
+=head2 Why is ParserOpts deprecated?
+The C<ParserOpts> option is a remnant of the time when XML::Simple only worked
+with the XML::Parser API. Its value is completely ignored if you're using a
+SAX parser, so writing code which relied on it would bar you from taking
+advantage of SAX.
+Even if you are using XML::Parser, it is seldom necessary to pass options to
+the parser object. A number of people have written to say they use this option
+to set XML::Parser's C<ProtocolEncoding> option. Don't do that, it's wrong,
+Wrong, WRONG! Fix the XML document so that it's well-formed and you won't have
+a problem.
+Having said all of that, as long as XML::Simple continues to support the
+XML::Parser API, this option will not be removed. There are currently no plans
+to remove support for the XML::Parser API.