# # Metrix++, Copyright 2009-2013, Metrix++ Project # Link: http://metrixplusplus.sourceforge.net # # This file is a part of Metrix++ Tool. # # Metrix++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Metrix++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Metrix++. If not, see . # import mpp.api import mpp.utils import mpp.cout class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.IConfigurable, mpp.api.IRunable): def declare_configuration(self, parser): parser.add_option("--format", "--ft", default='txt', choices=['txt', 'xml', 'python'], help="Format of the output data. " "Possible values are 'xml', 'txt' or 'python' [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--nest-regions", "--nr", action="store_true", default=False, help="If the option is set (True), data for regions is exported in the form of a tree. " "Otherwise, all regions are exported in plain list. [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--max-distribution-rows", "--mdr", type=int, default=20, help="Maximum number of rows in distribution tables. " "If it is set to 0, the tool does not optimize the size of distribution tables [default: %default]") def configure(self, options): self.out_format = options.__dict__['format'] self.nest_regions = options.__dict__['nest_regions'] self.dist_columns = options.__dict__['max_distribution_rows'] def run(self, args): loader_prev = self.get_plugin_loader().get_plugin('mpp.dbf').get_loader_prev() loader = self.get_plugin_loader().get_plugin('mpp.dbf').get_loader() paths = None if len(args) == 0: paths = [""] else: paths = args (result, exit_code) = export_to_str(self.out_format, paths, loader, loader_prev, self.nest_regions, self.dist_columns) print result return exit_code def export_to_str(out_format, paths, loader, loader_prev, nest_regions, dist_columns): exit_code = 0 result = "" if out_format == 'xml': result += "\n" elif out_format == 'python': result += "{'export': [" for (ind, path) in enumerate(paths): path = mpp.utils.preprocess_path(path) aggregated_data = loader.load_aggregated_data(path) aggregated_data_tree = {} subdirs = [] subfiles = [] if aggregated_data != None: aggregated_data_tree = aggregated_data.get_data_tree() subdirs = aggregated_data.get_subdirs() subfiles = aggregated_data.get_subfiles() else: mpp.utils.report_bad_path(path) exit_code += 1 aggregated_data_prev = loader_prev.load_aggregated_data(path) if aggregated_data_prev != None: aggregated_data_tree = append_diff(aggregated_data_tree, aggregated_data_prev.get_data_tree()) aggregated_data_tree = compress_dist(aggregated_data_tree, dist_columns) file_data = loader.load_file_data(path) file_data_tree = {} if file_data != None: file_data_tree = file_data.get_data_tree() file_data_prev = loader_prev.load_file_data(path) append_regions(file_data_tree, file_data, file_data_prev, nest_regions) data = {"info": {"path": path, "id": ind + 1}, "aggregated-data": aggregated_data_tree, "file-data": file_data_tree, "subdirs": subdirs, "subfiles": subfiles} if out_format == 'txt': cout_txt(data, loader) elif out_format == 'xml': result += mpp.utils.serialize_to_xml(data, root_name = "data") + "\n" elif out_format == 'python': postfix = "" if ind < len(paths) - 1: postfix = ", " result += mpp.utils.serialize_to_python(data, root_name = "data") + postfix if out_format == 'xml': result += "" elif out_format == 'python': result += "]}" return (result, exit_code) def append_regions(file_data_tree, file_data, file_data_prev, nest_regions): regions_matcher = None if file_data_prev != None: file_data_tree = append_diff(file_data_tree, file_data_prev.get_data_tree()) regions_matcher = mpp.utils.FileRegionsMatcher(file_data, file_data_prev) if nest_regions == False: regions = [] for region in file_data.iterate_regions(): region_data_tree = region.get_data_tree() if regions_matcher != None and regions_matcher.is_matched(region.get_id()): region_data_prev = file_data_prev.get_region(regions_matcher.get_prev_id(region.get_id())) region_data_tree = append_diff(region_data_tree, region_data_prev.get_data_tree()) regions.append({"info": {"name" : region.name, 'type' : file_data.get_region_types()().to_str(region.get_type()), "cursor" : region.cursor, 'line_begin': region.line_begin, 'line_end': region.line_end, 'offset_begin': region.begin, 'offset_end': region.end}, "data": region_data_tree}) file_data_tree['regions'] = regions else: def append_rec(region_id, file_data_tree, file_data, file_data_prev): region = file_data.get_region(region_id) region_data_tree = region.get_data_tree() if regions_matcher != None and regions_matcher.is_matched(region.get_id()): region_data_prev = file_data_prev.get_region(regions_matcher.get_prev_id(region.get_id())) region_data_tree = append_diff(region_data_tree, region_data_prev.get_data_tree()) result = {"info": {"name" : region.name, 'type' : file_data.get_region_types()().to_str(region.get_type()), "cursor" : region.cursor, 'line_begin': region.line_begin, 'line_end': region.line_end, 'offset_begin': region.begin, 'offset_end': region.end}, "data": region_data_tree, "subregions": []} for sub_id in file_data.get_region(region_id).iterate_subregion_ids(): result['subregions'].append(append_rec(sub_id, file_data_tree, file_data, file_data_prev)) return result file_data_tree['regions'] = [] file_data_tree['regions'].append(append_rec(1, file_data_tree, file_data, file_data_prev)) def append_diff(main_tree, prev_tree): assert(main_tree != None) assert(prev_tree != None) for name in main_tree.keys(): if name not in prev_tree.keys(): continue for field in main_tree[name].keys(): if field not in prev_tree[name].keys(): continue if isinstance(main_tree[name][field], dict) and isinstance(prev_tree[name][field], dict): diff = {} for key in main_tree[name][field].keys(): if key not in prev_tree[name][field].keys(): continue main_val = main_tree[name][field][key] prev_val = prev_tree[name][field][key] if main_val == None: main_val = 0 if prev_val == None: prev_val = 0 if isinstance(main_val, list) and isinstance(prev_val, list): main_tree[name][field][key] = append_diff_list(main_val, prev_val) else: diff[key] = main_val - prev_val main_tree[name][field]['__diff__'] = diff elif (not isinstance(main_tree[name][field], dict)) and (not isinstance(prev_tree[name][field], dict)): if '__diff__' not in main_tree[name]: main_tree[name]['__diff__'] = {} main_tree[name]['__diff__'][field] = main_tree[name][field] - prev_tree[name][field] return main_tree def append_diff_list(main_list, prev_list): merged_list = {} for bar in main_list: merged_list[bar['metric']] = {'count': bar['count'], '__diff__':0, 'ratio': bar['ratio']} for bar in prev_list: if bar['metric'] in merged_list.keys(): merged_list[bar['metric']]['__diff__'] = \ merged_list[bar['metric']]['count'] - bar['count'] else: merged_list[bar['metric']] = {'count': 0, '__diff__':-bar['count'], 'ratio': 0} result = [] for metric in sorted(merged_list.keys()): result.append({'metric':metric, 'count':merged_list[metric]['count'], 'ratio':merged_list[metric]['ratio'], '__diff__':merged_list[metric]['__diff__']}) return result def compress_dist(data, columns): if columns == 0: return data for namespace in data.keys(): for field in data[namespace].keys(): metric_data = data[namespace][field] distr = metric_data['distribution-bars'] columns = float(columns) # to trigger floating calculations if metric_data['count'] == 0: continue new_dist = [] remaining_count = metric_data['count'] next_consume = None next_bar = None max_count = 0 min_count = 0xFFFFFFFF sum_ratio = 0 for (ind, bar) in enumerate(distr): if next_bar == None: # start new bar next_bar = {'count': bar['count'], 'ratio': bar['ratio'], 'metric_s': bar['metric'], 'metric_f': bar['metric']} if '__diff__' in bar.keys(): next_bar['__diff__'] = bar['__diff__'] next_consume = int(round(remaining_count/ (columns - len(new_dist)))) else: # merge to existing bar next_bar['count'] += bar['count'] next_bar['ratio'] += bar['ratio'] next_bar['metric_f'] = bar['metric'] if '__diff__' in bar.keys(): next_bar['__diff__'] += bar['__diff__'] next_consume -= bar['count'] if (next_consume <= 0 # consumed enough or (ind + 1) == len(distr)): # or the last bar # append to new distribution if isinstance(next_bar['metric_s'], float): next_bar['metric_s'] = "{0:.4f}".format(next_bar['metric_s']) next_bar['metric_f'] = "{0:.4f}".format(next_bar['metric_f']) else: next_bar['metric_s'] = str(next_bar['metric_s']) next_bar['metric_f'] = str(next_bar['metric_f']) if next_bar['metric_s'] == next_bar['metric_f']: next_bar['metric'] = next_bar['metric_s'] else: next_bar['metric'] = next_bar['metric_s'] + "-" + next_bar['metric_f'] del next_bar['metric_s'] del next_bar['metric_f'] new_dist.append(next_bar) sum_ratio += next_bar['ratio'] if max_count < next_bar['count']: max_count = next_bar['count'] if min_count > next_bar['count'] and next_bar['count'] != 0: min_count = next_bar['count'] remaining_count -= next_bar['count'] next_bar = None # check that consumed all assert((ind + 1) != len(distr) or remaining_count == 0) if (float(max_count - min_count) / metric_data['count'] < 0.05 and metric_data['count'] > 1 and len(new_dist) > 1): # trick here: if all bars are even in the new distribution # it is better to do linear compression instead new_dist = [] step = int(round(float(metric_data['max'] - metric_data['min']) / columns)) next_end_limit = metric_data['min'] next_bar = None for (ind, bar) in enumerate(distr): if next_bar == None: # start new bar next_bar = {'count': bar['count'], 'ratio': bar['ratio'], 'metric_s': next_end_limit, 'metric_f': bar['metric']} if '__diff__' in bar.keys(): next_bar['__diff__'] = bar['__diff__'] next_end_limit += step else: # merge to existing bar next_bar['count'] += bar['count'] next_bar['ratio'] += bar['ratio'] next_bar['metric_f'] = bar['metric'] if '__diff__' in bar.keys(): next_bar['__diff__'] += bar['__diff__'] if (next_bar['metric_f'] >= next_end_limit # consumed enough or (ind + 1) == len(distr)): # or the last bar if (ind + 1) != len(distr): next_bar['metric_f'] = next_end_limit # append to new distribution if isinstance(next_bar['metric_s'], float): next_bar['metric_s'] = "{0:.4f}".format(next_bar['metric_s']) next_bar['metric_f'] = "{0:.4f}".format(next_bar['metric_f']) else: next_bar['metric_s'] = str(next_bar['metric_s']) next_bar['metric_f'] = str(next_bar['metric_f']) next_bar['metric'] = next_bar['metric_s'] + "-" + next_bar['metric_f'] del next_bar['metric_s'] del next_bar['metric_f'] new_dist.append(next_bar) next_bar = None if sum_ratio < 0.995: factor = 1.0 / sum_ratio for each in new_dist: each['ratio'] *= factor data[namespace][field]['distribution-bars'] = new_dist return data def cout_txt_regions(path, regions, indent = 0): for region in regions: details = [ ('Region name', region['info']['name']), ('Region type', region['info']['type']), ('Offsets', str(region['info']['offset_begin']) + "-" + str(region['info']['offset_end'])), ('Line numbers', str(region['info']['line_begin']) + "-" + str(region['info']['line_end'])) ] for namespace in region['data'].keys(): diff_data = {} if '__diff__' in region['data'][namespace].keys(): diff_data = region['data'][namespace]['__diff__'] for field in region['data'][namespace].keys(): diff_str = "" if field == '__diff__': continue if field in diff_data.keys(): diff_str = " [" + ("+" if diff_data[field] >= 0 else "") + str(diff_data[field]) + "]" details.append((namespace + ":" + field, str(region['data'][namespace][field]) + diff_str)) mpp.cout.notify(path, region['info']['cursor'], mpp.cout.SEVERITY_INFO, "Metrics per '" + region['info']['name']+ "' region", details, indent=indent) if 'subregions' in region.keys(): cout_txt_regions(path, region['subregions'], indent=indent+1) def cout_txt(data, loader): details = [] for key in data['file-data'].keys(): if key == 'regions': cout_txt_regions(data['info']['path'], data['file-data'][key]) else: namespace = key diff_data = {} if '__diff__' in data['file-data'][namespace].keys(): diff_data = data['file-data'][namespace]['__diff__'] for field in data['file-data'][namespace].keys(): diff_str = "" if field == '__diff__': continue if field in diff_data.keys(): diff_str = " [" + ("+" if diff_data[field] >= 0 else "") + str(diff_data[field]) + "]" details.append((namespace + ":" + field, str(data['file-data'][namespace][field]) + diff_str)) if len(details) > 0: mpp.cout.notify(data['info']['path'], 0, mpp.cout.SEVERITY_INFO, "Metrics per file", details) attr_map = {'count': 'Measured', 'total': 'Total', 'avg': 'Average', 'min': 'Minimum', 'max': 'Maximum'} for namespace in data['aggregated-data'].keys(): for field in data['aggregated-data'][namespace].keys(): details = [] diff_data = {} if '__diff__' in data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field].keys(): diff_data = data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field]['__diff__'] for attr in data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field].keys(): diff_str = "" if attr == 'distribution-bars' or attr == '__diff__' or attr == 'count': continue if attr in diff_data.keys(): diff_str = " [" + ("+" if diff_data[attr] >= 0 else "") + str(diff_data[attr]) + "]" details.append((attr_map[attr], str(data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field][attr]) + diff_str)) measured = data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field]['count'] if 'count' in diff_data.keys(): diff_str = ' [{0:{1}}]'.format(diff_data['count'], '+' if diff_data['count'] >= 0 else '') count_str_len = len(str(measured)) elem_name = 'regions' if loader.get_namespace(namespace).are_regions_supported() == False: elem_name = 'files' details.append(('Distribution', str(measured) + diff_str + ' ' + elem_name + ' measured')) details.append((' Metric value', 'Ratio : R-sum : Number of ' + elem_name)) sum_ratio = 0 for bar in data['aggregated-data'][namespace][field]['distribution-bars']: sum_ratio += bar['ratio'] diff_str = "" if '__diff__' in bar.keys(): diff_str = ' [{0:{1}}]'.format(bar['__diff__'], '+' if bar['__diff__'] >= 0 else '') if isinstance(bar['metric'], float): metric_str = "{0:.4f}".format(bar['metric']) else: metric_str = str(bar['metric']) metric_str = (" " * (mpp.cout.DETAILS_OFFSET - len(metric_str) - 1)) + metric_str count_str = str(bar['count']) count_str = ((" " * (count_str_len - len(count_str))) + count_str + diff_str + "\t") details.append((metric_str, "{0:.3f}".format(bar['ratio']) + " : " + "{0:.3f}".format(sum_ratio) + " : " + count_str + ('|' * int(round(bar['ratio']*100))))) mpp.cout.notify(data['info']['path'], '', # no line number mpp.cout.SEVERITY_INFO, "Overall metrics for '" + namespace + ":" + field + "' metric", details) details = [] for each in data['subdirs']: details.append(('Directory', each)) for each in data['subfiles']: details.append(('File', each)) if len(details) > 0: mpp.cout.notify(data['info']['path'], '', # no line number mpp.cout.SEVERITY_INFO, "Directory content:", details)