# Copied from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577268-python-data-structure-to-xml-serialization/ # - indent feature and better formatting added # - fixed handling of lists in lists # - fixed root object name for dictionaries INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL = " " ''' Py2XML - Python to XML serialization This code transforms a Python data structures into an XML document Usage: serializer = Py2XML() xml_string = serializer.parse( python_object ) print python_object print xml_string ''' class Py2XML(): def __init__( self ): self.data = "" # where we store the processed XML string def parse( self, pythonObj, objName=None, indent = 0 ): ''' processes Python data structure into XML string needs objName if pythonObj is a List ''' if pythonObj == None: return "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "" if isinstance( pythonObj, dict ): self.data = self._PyDict2XML( pythonObj, objName, indent=indent+1 ) elif isinstance( pythonObj, list ): # we need name for List object self.data = self._PyList2XML( pythonObj, objName, indent=indent+1 ) else: self.data = "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "<%(n)s>%(o)s" % { 'n':objName, 'o':str( pythonObj ) } return self.data def _PyDict2XML( self, pyDictObj, objName=None, indent = 0 ): ''' process Python Dict objects They can store XML attributes and/or children ''' tagStr = "" # XML string for this level attributes = {} # attribute key/value pairs attrStr = "" # attribute string of this level childStr = "" # XML string of this level's children for k, v in pyDictObj.items(): if isinstance( v, dict ): # child tags, with attributes childStr += self._PyDict2XML( v, k, indent=indent+1 ) elif isinstance( v, list ): # child tags, list of children childStr += self._PyList2XML( v, k, indent=indent+1 ) else: # tag could have many attributes, let's save until later attributes.update( { k:v } ) if objName == None: return childStr # create XML string for attributes for k, v in attributes.items(): attrStr += " %s=\"%s\"" % ( k, v ) # let's assemble our tag string if childStr == "": tagStr += "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "<%(n)s%(a)s />" % { 'n':objName, 'a':attrStr } else: tagStr += ("\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "<%(n)s%(a)s>%(c)s" + "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "") % { 'n':objName, 'a':attrStr, 'c':childStr } return tagStr def _PyList2XML( self, pyListObj, objName=None, indent = 0 ): ''' process Python List objects They have no attributes, just children Lists only hold Dicts or Strings ''' tagStr = "" # XML string for this level childStr = "" # XML string of children for childObj in pyListObj: if isinstance( childObj, dict ): # here's some Magic # we're assuming that List parent has a plural name of child: # eg, persons > person, so cut off last char # name-wise, only really works for one level, however # in practice, this is probably ok childStr += self._PyDict2XML( childObj, objName[:-1], indent=indent+1 ) elif isinstance( childObj, list ): # here's some Magic # we're assuming that List parent has a plural name of child: # eg, persons > person, so cut off last char # name-wise, only really works for one level, however # in practice, this is probably ok childStr += self._PyList2XML( childObj, objName[:-1], indent=indent+1 ) pass else: childStr += "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * (indent + 1)) + "<" + objName[:-1] + ">" for string in childObj: childStr += string; childStr += "" if objName == None: return childStr tagStr += ("\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "<%(n)s>%(c)s" + "\n" + (INDENT_SPACE_SYMBOL * indent) + "") % { 'n':objName, 'c':childStr } return tagStr