Created on 26/06/2012

@author: konstaa

import re

import core.api

class Plugin(core.api.Plugin, core.api.IConfigurable):
    MODE_NEW     = 0x01
    MODE_TREND   = 0x03
    MODE_TOUCHED = 0x07
    MODE_ALL     = 0x15
    def declare_configuration(self, parser):
        self.parser = parser
        parser.add_option("--general.warn", default='all', choices=['new', 'trend', 'touched', 'all'],
                         help="Defines the warnings mode. "
                         "'off' - no warnings, 'new' - warnings for new regions only, "
                         "'trend' - warnings for new regions and for bad trend of modified regions, "
                         "'touched' - warnings for new regions and modified regions, "
                         "'all' - all warnings active"
                         "[default: %default]")

        parser.add_option("--general.min-limit", action="multiopt",
        parser.add_option("--general.max-limit", action="multiopt",
    def configure(self, options):
        if options.__dict__['general.warn'] == 'new':
            self.mode = self.MODE_NEW
        elif options.__dict__['general.warn'] == 'trend':
            self.mode = self.MODE_TREND
        elif options.__dict__['general.warn'] == 'touched':
            self.mode = self.MODE_TOUCHED
        elif options.__dict__['general.warn'] == 'all':
            self.mode = self.MODE_ALL

        class Limit(object):
            def __init__(self, limit_type, limit, namespace, field, db_filter):
                self.type = limit_type
                self.limit = limit
                self.namespace = namespace
                self.field = field
                self.filter = db_filter
            def __repr__(self):
                return "namespace '" + self.namespace + "', filter '" + str(self.filter) + "'"
        self.limits = []
        pattern = re.compile(r'''([^:]+)[:]([^:]+)[:]([-+]?[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]+)?)''')
        if options.__dict__['general.max_limit'] != None:
            for each in options.__dict__['general.max_limit']:
                match = re.match(pattern, each)
                if match == None:
                    self.parser.error("Invalid format of the 'general.max-limit' option: " + each)
                limit = Limit("max", match.group(3), match.group(1), match.group(2), (match.group(2), '>', float(match.group(3))))
        if options.__dict__['general.min_limit'] != None:
            for each in options.__dict__['general.min_limit']:  
                match = re.match(pattern, each)
                if match == None:
                    self.parser.error("Invalid format of the 'general.min-limit' option: " + each)
                limit = Limit("min", match.group(3), match.group(1), match.group(2), (match.group(2), '<', float(match.group(3))))
    def verify_namespaces(self, valid_namespaces):
        valid = []
        for each in valid_namespaces:
        for each in self.limits:
            if each.namespace not in valid:
                self.parser.error("Invalid limit option (namespace does not exist): " + each.namespace)

    def verify_fields(self, namespace, valid_fields):
        valid = []
        for each in valid_fields:
        for each in self.limits:
            if each.namespace == namespace:
                if each.field not in valid:
                    self.parser.error("Invalid limit option (field does not exist): " + each.namespace + ":" + each.field)
    def iterate_limits(self):
        for each in self.limits:
            yield each   

    def is_mode_matched(self, limit, value, diff, is_modified):
        if is_modified == None:
            return True
        if self.mode == self.MODE_ALL:
            return True 
        if self.mode == self.MODE_TOUCHED and is_modified == True:
            return True 
        if self.mode == self.MODE_TREND and is_modified == True:
            if limit < value and diff > 0:
                return True
            if limit > value and diff < 0:
                return True
        return False