# Software Index, Copyright 2010, Software Index Project Team
# Link: http://swi.sourceforge.net
# This file is part of Software Index Tool.
# Software Index is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Software Index is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Software Index. If not, see .
use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use Internal::Output;
use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;
# Export section
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(swiAppraise);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
$VERSION = '1.0';
# Subroutine for troubleshooting purposes
use Internal::Output;
# Global variables
my $config = undef;
my $report = undef;
# Enter point
sub swiAppraise
$config = shift();
my $reportBase = undef;
$report = XMLin(
$config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:destination"} . "/"
. $config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:xml"}->{"swi:name"} . ".x",
ForceArray =>
[ "swi:module", "swi:file", "swi:function", "swi:reference" ]
if ( defined( $config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:xml"}->{"swi:baseline"} )
&& $config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:xml"}->{"swi:baseline"} ne "" )
$reportBase = XMLin(
$config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:destination"} . "/"
. $config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:xml"}->{"swi:baseline"},
ForceArray =>
[ "swi:module", "swi:file", "swi:function", "swi:reference" ]
my $projectStat = $report->{"swi:statistic"};
for (
my $moduleId = 0 ;
$moduleId <= $#{ $report->{"swi:module"} } ;
my $moduleStat = $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:statistic"};
for (
my $fileId = 0 ;
$fileId <= $#{ $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:file"} } ;
my $fileStat =
for (
my $functionId = 0 ;
$functionId <= $#{
} ;
my $functionStat =
foreach my $keyStat ( keys %$functionStat )
my $subStat = $functionStat->{$keyStat};
foreach my $keySubStat ( keys %$subStat )
# add total per file
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:total"} +=
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:average"} =
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:total"} /
# add total per module
$moduleStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:total"} +=
->{"swi:average"} =
->{"swi:total"} /
# add total per project
->{"swi:total"} +=
->{"swi:average"} =
->{"swi:total"} /
# add minimum per file
if (
|| $fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:min"} >
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:min"} =
# add minimum per module
if (
|| $moduleStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:min"} >
->{"swi:min"} =
# add minimum per project
if (
|| $projectStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:min"} >
->{"swi:min"} =
# add maximum per file
if (
|| $fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:max"} <
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{"swi:max"} =
# add maximum per module
if (
|| $moduleStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:max"} <
->{"swi:max"} =
# add maximum per project
if (
|| $projectStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
->{"swi:max"} <
->{"swi:max"} =
# generate full XML report
my $outputFile =
$config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:destination"} . "/"
. $config->{"swi:report"}->{"swi:xml"}->{"swi:name"};
my $fh = new FileHandle( $outputFile, "w" )
or die("Can not open output file '$outputFile'!");
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " 1.0\n";
if ( defined( $ENV{USER} ) )
print $fh " " . $ENV{USER} . "\n";
print $fh " SWI/APPRAISER\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
$projectStat = $report->{"swi:statistic"};
my $projectName = $config->{"swi:info"}->{"swi:project"}->{"swi:name"};
my $projectDiff =
swiReportModificationGet( $reportBase, $report, "swi:total" );
for (
my $moduleId = 0 ;
$moduleId <= $#{ $report->{"swi:module"} } ;
my $moduleStat = $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:statistic"};
my $moduleName = $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:name"};
my $moduleBase =
swiReportObjectFind( $reportBase->{"swi:module"}, $moduleName );
my $moduleDiff =
swiReportModificationGet( $moduleBase,
$report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId], "swi:total" );
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " " . $moduleName . "\n";
print $fh " "
. $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:location"}
. "\n";
print $fh " "
. $moduleDiff
. "\n";
print $fh "\n";
for (
my $fileId = 0 ;
$fileId <= $#{ $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:file"} } ;
my $fileStat =
my $fileName =
my $fileBase =
( $moduleDiff eq "added" )
? undef
: swiReportObjectFind( $moduleBase->{"swi:file"}, $fileName );
my $fileDiff =
swiReportModificationGet( $fileBase,
"swi:total" );
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " " . $fileName . "\n";
print $fh " "
. $report->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId]->{"swi:file"}[$fileId]
->{"swi:location"} . "\n";
print $fh " "
. $fileDiff
. "\n";
print $fh "\n";
for (
my $functionId = 0 ;
$functionId <= $#{
} ;
my $functionStat =
my $functionName =
my $functionBase =
( $fileDiff eq "added" )
? undef
: swiReportObjectFind( $fileBase->{"swi:function"},
$functionName );
my $functionDiff = swiReportModificationGet(
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " "
. XMLout( $functionName, RootName => 'swi:name' );
print $fh " "
. XMLout(
RootName => 'swi:location'
print $fh " "
. XMLout(
RootName => 'swi:modifier'
print $fh " "
. XMLout(
RootName => 'swi:pointer'
print $fh " "
. $functionDiff
. "\n";
print $fh " \n";
foreach my $keyStat ( keys %$functionStat )
print $fh " <" . $keyStat . ">\n";
my $subStat = $functionStat->{$keyStat};
foreach my $keySubStat ( keys %$subStat )
my ( $level, $suppress, $criteria ) =
$projectName . "/"
. $moduleName . "/"
. $fileName . "/"
. $functionName,
my $statDiff = swiStatisticDiffGet(
print $fh " <"
. $keySubStat
. ">"
. $functionStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}
. ""
. $keySubStat . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keyStat . ">\n";
print $fh " \n";
if (
my $refStr = XMLout(
RootName => ''
$refStr =~ s/\n/\n /g;
$refStr =~ s/\n";
print $fh "\n";
for (
my $functionId = 0 ;
$functionId <= $#{ $fileBase->{"swi:function"} } ;
my $functionOld = $fileBase->{"swi:function"}[$functionId];
if (
) == undef
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " "
. $functionOld->{"swi:name"}
. "\n";
print $fh " "
. $functionOld->{"swi:location"}
. "\n";
print $fh
" removed\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " \n";
foreach my $keyStat ( keys %$fileStat )
print $fh " <" . $keyStat . ">\n";
my $subStat = $fileStat->{$keyStat};
foreach my $keySubStat ( keys %$subStat )
my @types = (
"swi:exact", "swi:average",
"swi:min", "swi:max",
print $fh " <" . $keySubStat . ">\n";
foreach my $type (@types)
if (
my ( $level, $suppress, $criteria ) =
$projectName . "/"
. $moduleName . "/"
. $fileName,
my $statDiff = swiStatisticDiffGet(
print $fh " <" . $type
. " swi:change=\""
. $statDiff
. "\" swi:level=\""
. $level
. "\" swi:suppress=\""
. $suppress
. "\" swi:criteria=\""
. $criteria . "\">"
. sprintf( "%.2f",
$fileStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} )
. ""
. $type . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keySubStat . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keyStat . ">\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
for (
my $fileId = 0 ;
$fileId <= $#{ $moduleBase->{"swi:file"} } ;
my $fileOld = $moduleBase->{"swi:file"}[$fileId];
if (
$fileOld->{"swi:name"} ) == undef
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " "
. $fileOld->{"swi:name"}
. "\n";
print $fh " "
. $fileOld->{"swi:location"}
. "\n";
print $fh
" removed\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " \n";
foreach my $keyStat ( keys %$moduleStat )
print $fh " <" . $keyStat . ">\n";
my $subStat = $moduleStat->{$keyStat};
foreach my $keySubStat ( keys %$subStat )
my @types = (
"swi:exact", "swi:average", "swi:min", "swi:max",
print $fh " <" . $keySubStat . ">\n";
foreach my $type (@types)
if (
my ( $level, $suppress, $criteria ) =
swiStatisticLevelGet( $keyStat, $keySubStat, $type,
$projectName . "/" . $moduleName,
$moduleStat, "swi:module" );
my $statDiff = swiStatisticDiffGet(
print $fh " <" . $type
. " swi:change=\""
. $statDiff
. "\" swi:level=\""
. $level
. "\" swi:suppress=\""
. $suppress
. "\" swi:criteria=\""
. $criteria . "\">"
. sprintf( "%.2f",
$moduleStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} )
. ""
. $type . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keySubStat . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keyStat . ">\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
for (
my $moduleId = 0 ;
$moduleId <= $#{ $reportBase->{"swi:module"} } ;
my $moduleOld = $reportBase->{"swi:module"}[$moduleId];
if (
swiReportObjectFind( $report->{"swi:module"},
$moduleOld->{"swi:name"} ) == undef
print $fh " \n";
print $fh " "
. $moduleOld->{"swi:name"}
. "\n";
print $fh " "
. $moduleOld->{"swi:location"}
. "\n";
print $fh " removed\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh " \n";
foreach my $keyStat ( keys %$projectStat )
print $fh " <" . $keyStat . ">\n";
my $subStat = $projectStat->{$keyStat};
foreach my $keySubStat ( keys %$subStat )
my @types =
( "swi:exact", "swi:average", "swi:min", "swi:max", "swi:total" );
print $fh " <" . $keySubStat . ">\n";
foreach my $type (@types)
if (
defined( $projectStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} )
my ( $level, $suppress, $criteria ) = swiStatisticLevelGet(
$keyStat, $keySubStat, $type,
$projectName, $projectStat, "swi:project"
my $statDiff = swiStatisticDiffGet(
print $fh " <" . $type
. " swi:change=\""
. $statDiff
. "\" swi:level=\""
. $level
. "\" swi:suppress=\""
. $suppress
. "\" swi:criteria=\""
. $criteria . "\">"
. sprintf( "%.2f",
$projectStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} )
. ""
. $type . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keySubStat . ">\n";
print $fh " " . $keyStat . ">\n";
print $fh " \n";
print $fh "\n";
return 0;
sub swiStatisticLevelGet
my $keyStat = shift();
my $keySubStat = shift();
my $type = shift();
my $objName = shift();
my $objStat = shift();
my $objType = shift();
my $statValue = undef;
# Array of results: level, suppress level, criteria
my @returnResult = ( "undefined", "undefined", "" );
if (
defined( $config->{"swi:limits"}->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} ) )
my $limit = $config->{"swi:limits"}->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type};
my $factor = 1;
if ( defined( $limit->{"swi:relation"} ) )
my @relation = undef;
@relation = split( /\//, $limit->{"swi:relation"} );
$factor =
$objStat->{ $relation[0] }->{ $relation[1] }->{ $relation[2] };
if ( !defined($factor) || $factor == 0 )
"Wrong configuration for the limit '$keyStat/$keySubStat/$type'. Relation "
. $limit->{"swi:relation"}
. " is not found or points to zero value for object '$objName'"
$factor = 1;
$statValue = $objStat->{$keyStat}->{$keySubStat}->{$type} / $factor;
$statValue = sprintf( "%.2f", $statValue );
if ( $limit->{"swi:warning"} > $limit->{"swi:notice"}
&& $limit->{"swi:notice"} > $limit->{"swi:info"} )
if ( $statValue > $limit->{"swi:warning"} )
$returnResult[0] = "warning";
$returnResult[2] = "["
. $statValue
. " greater than "
. $limit->{"swi:warning"} . "]";
elsif ( $statValue > $limit->{"swi:notice"} )
$returnResult[0] = "notice";
$returnResult[2] = "["
. $statValue
. " greater than "
. $limit->{"swi:notice"} . "]";
elsif ( $statValue > $limit->{"swi:info"} )
$returnResult[0] = "info";
$returnResult[2] = "["
. $statValue
. " greater than "
. $limit->{"swi:info"} . "]";
$returnResult[0] = "regular";
elsif ($limit->{"swi:warning"} < $limit->{"swi:notice"}
&& $limit->{"swi:notice"} < $limit->{"swi:info"} )
if ( $statValue < $limit->{"swi:warning"} )
$returnResult[0] = "warning";
$returnResult[2] = "["
. $statValue
. " less than "
. $limit->{"swi:warning"} . "]";
elsif ( $statValue < $limit->{"swi:notice"} )
$returnResult[0] = "notice";
$returnResult[2] = "["
. $statValue
. " less than "
. $limit->{"swi:notice"} . "]";
elsif ( $statValue < $limit->{"swi:info"} )
$returnResult[0] = "info";
$returnResult[2] =
"[" . $statValue . " less than " . $limit->{"swi:info"} . "]";
$returnResult[0] = "regular";
"Wrong settings in configuration file ( section): swi:limit/$keyStat/$keySubStat/$type"
$returnResult[0] = "unresolved";
# check if suppressed
my $isFound = 0;
foreach ( @{ $limit->{"swi:suppress"}->{"swi:pattern"} } )
my $pattern = $_;
if ( ref($pattern) eq "HASH" && defined( $pattern->{"swi:level"} ) )
my $content = $pattern->{"content"};
if ( $objName =~ m/$content/ )
if ( $isFound == 0 )
$returnResult[1] = $pattern->{"swi:level"};
$isFound = 1;
# This object is matched by several patterns
if ( $returnResult[1] ne $pattern->{"swi:level"} )
# and levels are not equal in different patterns
"Configuration is wrong: $objName is matched by several patterns"
$returnResult[1] = "unresolved";
"Wrong settings in configuration file ( section): swi:limit/$keyStat/$keySubStat/$type: "
. "Level is missed in pattern for the object '$objType'"
$returnResult[1] = "unresolved";
$returnResult[2] = "[]";
return @returnResult;
sub swiStatisticDiffGet
my $objDiff = shift();
my $newStat = shift();
my $oldStat = shift();
if ( $objDiff ne "added" )
return sprintf( "%.2f", $newStat - $oldStat );
return "";
sub swiReportObjectFind
my $objects = shift();
my $objName = shift();
foreach (@$objects)
if ( $_->{"swi:name"} eq $objName
&& $_->{"swi:modification"} ne "removed" )
return $_;
return undef;
sub swiReportModificationGet
my $objBase = shift();
my $objNew = shift();
my $statType = shift();
if ( !defined($objBase) )
return "added";
my $newCrc =
my $newLength =
my $newDup =
if ( $objBase->{"swi:statistic"}->{"swi:checksum"}->{"swi:source"}
->{$statType} != $newCrc ||
->{$statType} != $newLength )
return "modified";
if ( $objBase->{"swi:statistic"}->{"swi:duplication"}->{"swi:executable"}
->{$statType} != $newDup )
return "cloned";
return "unmodified";
return 1;