Usage: collect [options] -- [path 1] ... [path N] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --db-file=DB_FILE, --dbf=DB_FILE Primary database file to write (by the collector) and post-process (by other tools) [default: ./metrixpp.db] --db-file-prev=DB_FILE_PREV, --dbfp=DB_FILE_PREV Database file with data collected for the past/previous revision. If it is set for the collector tool to perform an incremental/iterative collection, it may reduce the processing time significantly. Post- processing tools use it in order to recognise/evaluate change trends. [default: none]. --non-recursively, --nr If the option is set (True), sub-directories are not processed [default: False] --exclude-files=EXCLUDE_FILES, --ef=EXCLUDE_FILES Defines the pattern to exclude files from processing [default: ^[.]] --std.general.proctime, --sgpt If the option is set (True), the tool measures processing time per file [default: False] --std.general.procerrors, --sgpe If the option is set (True), the tool counts number of processing/parsing errors per file [default: False] --std.general.size, --sgs If the option is set (True), the tool collects file size metric (in bytes) [default: False] --log-level=LOG_LEVEL, --ll=LOG_LEVEL Defines log level. Possible values are 'DEBUG','INFO','WARNING' or 'ERROR'. Default value is inherited from environment variable 'METRIXPLUSPLUS_LOG_LEVEL' if set. [default: INFO] --std.code.complexity.cyclomatic, --sccc Enables collection of cyclomatic complexity metric (McCabe) [default: False] --std.code.cpp.files=STD.CODE.CPP.FILES Enumerates filename extensions to match C/C++ files [default: *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp,*.cc,*.hh,*.cxx,*.hxx] --std.code.cs.files=STD.CODE.CS.FILES Enumerates filename extensions to match C# files [default: *.cs] Enumerates filename extensions to match Java files [default: *.java] --std.code.length:size, --scls Enables collection of size metric (in number of symbols per region) [default: False] --std.suppress, --ss If set (True), suppression markers are collected from comments in code. Suppressions are used by post- processing tools, like limit, to remove false-positive warnings. Suppressions should be in the first comment block of a region (function/class/interface). Format of suppressions: 'metrix++: suppress metric-name'. For example: 'metrix++: suppress std.code.complexity:cyclomatic'. [default: False]