# # Metrix++, Copyright 2009-2013, Metrix++ Project # Link: http://metrixplusplus.sourceforge.net # # This file is a part of Metrix++ Tool. # # Metrix++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Metrix++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Metrix++. If not, see . # import logging import core.log import core.db.loader import core.db.post import core.db.utils import core.cout import core.warn import core.cmdparser import tools.utils import core.api class Tool(core.api.ITool): def run(self, tool_args): return main(tool_args) def main(tool_args): exit_code = 0 log_plugin = core.log.Plugin() db_plugin = core.db.post.Plugin() warn_plugin = core.warn.Plugin() parser = core.cmdparser.MultiOptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog limit [options] -- [path 1] ... [path N]") log_plugin.declare_configuration(parser) db_plugin.declare_configuration(parser) warn_plugin.declare_configuration(parser) parser.add_option("--hotspots", "--hs", default=None, help="If not set (none), all exceeded limits are printed." " If set, exceeded limits are sorted (the worst is the first) and only first HOTSPOTS limits are printed." " [default: %default]", type=int) parser.add_option("--disable-suppressions", "--ds", action="store_true", default=False, help = "If not set (none), all suppressions are ignored" " and associated warnings are printed. [default: %default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(tool_args) log_plugin.configure(options) db_plugin.configure(options) warn_plugin.configure(options) hotspots = options.__dict__['hotspots'] no_suppress = options.__dict__['disable_suppressions'] loader_prev = core.db.loader.Loader() if db_plugin.dbfile_prev != None: loader_prev.open_database(db_plugin.dbfile_prev) loader = core.db.loader.Loader() loader.open_database(db_plugin.dbfile) warn_plugin.verify_namespaces(loader.iterate_namespace_names()) for each in loader.iterate_namespace_names(): warn_plugin.verify_fields(each, loader.get_namespace(each).iterate_field_names()) # Check for versions consistency if db_plugin.dbfile_prev != None: tools.utils.check_db_metadata(loader, loader_prev) paths = None if len(args) == 0: paths = [""] else: paths = args # Try to optimise iterative change scans modified_file_ids = None if warn_plugin.mode != warn_plugin.MODE_ALL: modified_file_ids = get_list_of_modified_files(loader, loader_prev) for path in paths: path = tools.utils.preprocess_path(path) for limit in warn_plugin.iterate_limits(): logging.info("Applying limit: " + str(limit)) filters = [limit.filter] if modified_file_ids != None: filters.append(('file_id', 'IN', modified_file_ids)) sort_by = None limit_by = None if hotspots != None: sort_by = limit.field if limit.type == "max": sort_by = "-" + sort_by limit_by = hotspots selected_data = loader.load_selected_data(limit.namespace, fields = [limit.field], path=path, filters = filters, sort_by=sort_by, limit_by=limit_by) if selected_data == None: tools.utils.report_bad_path(path) exit_code += 1 continue for select_data in selected_data: is_modified = None diff = None file_data = loader.load_file_data(select_data.get_path()) file_data_prev = loader_prev.load_file_data(select_data.get_path()) if file_data_prev != None: if file_data.get_checksum() == file_data_prev.get_checksum(): diff = 0 is_modified = False else: matcher = core.db.utils.FileRegionsMatcher(file_data, file_data_prev) prev_id = matcher.get_prev_id(select_data.get_region().get_id()) if matcher.is_matched(select_data.get_region().get_id()): if matcher.is_modified(select_data.get_region().get_id()): is_modified = True else: is_modified = False diff = core.db.loader.DiffData(select_data, file_data_prev.get_region(prev_id)).get_data(limit.namespace, limit.field) if (warn_plugin.is_mode_matched(limit.limit, select_data.get_data(limit.namespace, limit.field), diff, is_modified) == False): continue is_sup = is_metric_suppressed(limit.namespace, limit.field, loader, select_data) if is_sup == True and no_suppress == False: continue exit_code += 1 region_cursor = 0 region_name = "" if select_data.get_region() != None: region_cursor = select_data.get_region().cursor region_name = select_data.get_region().name report_limit_exceeded(select_data.get_path(), region_cursor, limit.namespace, limit.field, region_name, select_data.get_data(limit.namespace, limit.field), diff, limit.limit, is_modified, is_sup) return exit_code def get_list_of_modified_files(loader, loader_prev): logging.info("Identifying changed files...") old_files_map = {} for each in loader_prev.iterate_file_data(): old_files_map[each.get_path()] = each.get_checksum() if len(old_files_map) == 0: return None modified_file_ids = [] for each in loader.iterate_file_data(): if len(modified_file_ids) > 1000: # If more than 1000 files changed, skip optimisation return None if (each.get_path() not in old_files_map.keys()) or old_files_map[each.get_path()] != each.get_checksum(): modified_file_ids.append(str(each.get_id())) old_files_map = None if len(modified_file_ids) != 0: modified_file_ids = " , ".join(modified_file_ids) modified_file_ids = "(" + modified_file_ids + ")" return modified_file_ids return None def is_metric_suppressed(metric_namespace, metric_field, loader, select_data): data = loader.load_file_data(select_data.get_path()) if select_data.get_region() != None: data = data.get_region(select_data.get_region().get_id()) sup_data = data.get_data('std.suppress', 'list') if sup_data != None and sup_data.find('[' + metric_namespace + ':' + metric_field + ']') != -1: return True return False def report_limit_exceeded(path, cursor, namespace, field, region_name, stat_level, trend_value, stat_limit, is_modified, is_suppressed): message = "Metric '" + namespace + ":" + field + "' for region '" + region_name + "' exceeds the limit." details = [("Metric name", namespace + ":" + field), ("Region name", region_name), ("Metric value", stat_level), ("Modified", is_modified), ("Change trend", '{0:{1}}'.format(trend_value, '+' if trend_value else '')), ("Limit", stat_limit), ("Suppressed", is_suppressed)] core.cout.notify(path, cursor, core.cout.SEVERITY_WARNING, message, details)