# # Metrix++, Copyright 2009-2019, Metrix++ Project # Link: https://github.com/metrixplusplus/metrixplusplus # # This file is a part of Metrix++ Tool. # import mpp.api class Plugin(mpp.api.Plugin, mpp.api.IConfigurable, # declare that it can subscribe on notifications mpp.api.Child): def declare_configuration(self, parser): parser.add_option("--myext.magic.numbers", "--mmn", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enables collection of magic numbers metric [default: %default]") def configure(self, options): self.is_active_numbers = options.__dict__['myext.magic.numbers'] def initialize(self): if self.is_active_numbers == True: # subscribe to notifications from all code parsers self.subscribe_by_parents_interface(mpp.api.ICode, 'callback') # parents (code parsers) will call the callback declared def callback(self, parent, data, is_updated): print parent.get_name(), data.get_path(), is_updated