/* * File.cs - Implementation of the "Microsoft.VisualBasic.File" class. * * Copyright (C) 2003 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic { using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices; internal sealed class File // surprise : public other_template { // Internal state. private FileTable table; private int number; private OpenMode mode; internal int recordLength; internal FileStream stream; internal int lineLength; internal int linePosn; private BinaryWriter writer; private BinaryReader reader; private long nextRecord; private Encoding encoding; private bool sawEOF; private static FileTable fileTables; // Maximum number of files that can be used by any given assembly. private const int MaxFiles = 255; // Constructor. public File /*surprise*/ (FileTable table, int number, OpenMode mode) { this.table = table; this.number = number; this.mode = mode; this.nextRecord = -1; } // Get the file open mode. public OpenMode Mode { get /*surprise */ //ss // { return mode; } } // Determine if we are at the end of the file. public bool EOF { get { if(mode == OpenMode.Random) { return (stream.Position == stream.Length); } else if(mode == OpenMode.Output || mode == OpenMode.Append) { return true; } else { return sawEOF; } } } // Get the current file location. public long Location { get { if(mode == OpenMode.Binary) { // Binary files return the actual byte position. return stream.Position; } else if(mode == OpenMode.Random) { // Random files return the record position. return (stream.Position + recordLength - 1) / recordLength; } else { // Sequential files return the position rounded // to the next 128 byte boundary. return (stream.Position + 127) / 128; } } } // Get a binary writer, wrapped around the underlying stream. public BinaryWriter Writer { get { if(writer != null) { return writer; } writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); return writer; } } // Get a binary reader, wrapped around the underlying stream. public BinaryReader Reader { get { if(reader != null) { return reader; } reader = new BinaryReader(stream); return reader; } } // Get the encoding that is in use by this file. public Encoding Encoding { get { if(encoding != null) { return encoding; } encoding = Encoding.Default; return encoding; } } // Close this file and free it from its file table. public void Close() { // Close the underlying stream and its attached object's. if(stream != null) { stream.Close(); stream = null; } if(writer != null) { ((IDisposable)writer).Dispose(); writer = null; } if(reader != null) { ((IDisposable)reader).Dispose(); reader = null; } // Remove the file from its file table. lock(typeof(File)) { if(table.table[number - 1] == this) { table.table[number - 1] = null; } } } // Set the record number for this file. public void SetRecord(long recordNumber) { if(recordNumber == -1) { if(mode == OpenMode.Random && nextRecord != -1) { recordNumber = nextRecord; } else { return; } } if(recordNumber < 1) { // Bad record number. Utils.ThrowException(63); } if(mode == OpenMode.Binary) { stream.Position = recordNumber - 1; return; } try { checked { stream.Position = (recordNumber - 1) * recordLength; nextRecord = recordNumber + 1; } } catch(OverflowException) { // Seek position is out of range. Utils.ThrowException(63); } } // File table for an assembly. internal sealed class FileTable { public Assembly assembly; public File[] table; public FileTable next; public FileTable(Assembly assembly, FileTable next) { this.assembly = assembly; this.table = new File [MaxFiles]; this.next = next; } }; // class FileTable // Get a particular file for the specified assembly. public static File GetFile(int number, Assembly assembly) { if(number < 1 || number > MaxFiles) { Utils.ThrowException(52); // IOException } lock(typeof(File)) { // Find the assembly's file table. FileTable table = fileTables; while(table != null) { if(table.assembly == assembly) { File file = table.table[number - 1]; if(file != null) { return file; } else { Utils.ThrowException(52); // IOException } } table = table.next; } } Utils.ThrowException(52); // IOException return null; } // Get a file and check that it has one of the specified modes. public static File GetFile(int number, Assembly assembly, OpenMode modes) { File file = GetFile(number, assembly); if((file.Mode & modes) == 0) { Utils.ThrowException(54); // IOException - invalid mode. } return file; } // Allocate a new file entry. public static File AllocateFile (int number, OpenMode mode, Assembly assembly) { if(number < 1 || number > MaxFiles) { Utils.ThrowException(52); // IOException } lock(typeof(File)) { // Find the assembly's file table. FileTable table = fileTables; File file; while(table != null) { if(table.assembly == assembly) { file = table.table[number - 1]; if(file != null) { Utils.ThrowException(52); // IOException } else { file = new File(table, number, mode); table.table[number - 1] = file; return file; } } table = table.next; } table = new FileTable(assembly, fileTables); fileTables = table; file = new File(table, number, mode); table.table[number - 1] = file; return file; } } // Find a free file number. public static int FindFreeFile(Assembly assembly) { lock(typeof(File)) { // Find the assembly's file table. FileTable table = fileTables; while(table != null) { if(table.assembly == assembly) { int number = 0; while(number < MaxFiles && table.table[number] != null) { ++number; } if(number < MaxFiles) { return number + 1; } else { Utils.ThrowException(67); // IOException } } table = table.next; } // No file table yet, so assume that file number 1 is free. return 1; } } // Close all files in a particular assembly's file table. public static void CloseAll(Assembly assembly) { lock(typeof(File)) { // Find the assembly's file table. FileTable table = fileTables; while(table != null) { if(table.assembly == assembly) { int number = 0; File file; while(number < MaxFiles) { // Close all open files in this table. file = table.table[number]; if(file != null) { file.Close(); } ++number; } } table = table.next; } } } // Write a string to this file. [TODO] public void Write(String str) { // TODO } // Write an end of line sequence to this file. [TODO] public void WriteLine() { // TODO } // Perform a TAB operation. [TODO] public void Tab(TabInfo tab) { // TODO } // Output spaces to this file. [TODO] public void Space(SpcInfo spc) { // TODO } // Lock a region of this file. [TODO] public void Lock(long fromRecord, long toRecord) { // TODO } // Unlock a region of this file. [TODO] public void Unlock(long fromRecord, long toRecord) { // TODO } }; // class File f2/*surprise*/ //sss ()/*surprise*/ // ss {} }; // namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic