test_help_collect_default_stdout.gold.txt 6.8 KB

  1. Usage: python metrix++.py --help
  2. python metrix++.py collect --help
  3. python metrix++.py collect [options] -- [path 1] ... [path N]
  4. Options:
  5. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  6. --db-file=DB_FILE, --dbf=DB_FILE
  7. Path to a database file to create and write [default:
  8. ./metrixpp.db].
  9. --db-file-prev=DB_FILE_PREV, --dbfp=DB_FILE_PREV
  10. Path to database file with data collected for the
  11. past/previous code revision. If it is set, the tool
  12. will do an incremental/iterative collection. It may
  13. reduce the time of processing significantly [default:
  14. none].
  15. --log-level=LOG_LEVEL, --ll=LOG_LEVEL
  16. Defines log level. Possible values are
  17. 'DEBUG','INFO','WARNING' or 'ERROR'. Default value is
  18. inherited from environment variable
  19. 'METRIXPLUSPLUS_LOG_LEVEL' if set. [default: INFO]
  20. --std.code.cs.files=STD.CODE.CS.FILES
  21. Enumerates filename extensions to match C# files
  22. [default: *.cs]
  23. --std.code.complexity.cyclomatic, --sccc
  24. Enables collection of cyclomatic complexity metric
  25. (McCabe) [default: False]
  26. --std.code.complexity.maxindent, --sccmi
  27. Enables collection of maximum indent level metric
  28. [default: False]
  29. --std.code.lines.code, --sclc
  30. Enables collection of lines of code metric (per region
  31. detalization) - number of non-empty lines of code,
  32. excluding comments [default: False]
  33. --std.code.lines.preprocessor, --sclp
  34. Enables collection of lines of preprocessor code
  35. metric (per region detalization) - number of non-empty
  36. lines of preprocessor code [default: False]
  37. --std.code.lines.comments, --sclcom
  38. Enables collection of lines of comments metric (per
  39. region detalization) - number of non-empty lines of
  40. comments [default: False]
  41. --std.code.lines.total, --sclt
  42. Enables collection of total lines metric (per region
  43. detalization) - number of any type of lines (blank,
  44. code, comments, etc.)[default: False]
  45. --std.code.mi.simple, --scms
  46. Enables collection of simple maintainability index
  47. metric. It uses std.code.line:code,
  48. std.code.complexity:cyclomatic metrics to rank level
  49. of maintainability. Lower value of this metric
  50. indicates better maintainability. [default: False]
  51. --std.code.filelines.code, --scflc
  52. Enables collection of lines of code metric (per file
  53. detalization) - number of non-empty lines of code,
  54. excluding comments [default: False]
  55. --std.code.filelines.preprocessor, --scflp
  56. Enables collection of lines of preprocessor code
  57. metric (per file detalization) - number of non-empty
  58. lines of preprocessor code [default: False]
  59. --std.code.filelines.comments, --scflcom
  60. Enables collection of lines of comments metric (per
  61. file detalization) - number of non-empty lines of
  62. comments [default: False]
  63. --std.code.filelines.total, --scflt
  64. Enables collection of total lines metric (per file
  65. detalization) - number of any type of lines (blank,
  66. code, comments, etc.)[default: False]
  67. --std.code.length.total, --sclent
  68. Enables collection of size metric (in number of
  69. symbols per region) [default: False]
  70. --std.code.cpp.files=STD.CODE.CPP.FILES
  71. Enumerates filename extensions to match C/C++ files
  72. [default: *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp,*.cc,*.hh,*.cxx,*.hxx]
  73. --std.code.java.files=STD.CODE.JAVA.FILES
  74. Enumerates filename extensions to match Java files
  75. [default: *.java]
  76. --std.code.todo.comments, --sctc
  77. Enables collection of number of todo/fixme/etc markers
  78. in comments [default: False]
  79. --std.code.todo.strings, --scts
  80. Enables collection of number of todo/fixme/etc markers
  81. in strings [default: False]
  82. --std.code.todo.tags=STD.CODE.TODO.TAGS, --sctt=STD.CODE.TODO.TAGS
  83. A list of typical todo markers to search, separated by
  84. comma [default: TODO,ToDo,FIXME,FixMe,TBD,HACK,XXX]
  85. --std.code.magic.numbers, --scmn
  86. Enables collection of magic numbers metric [default:
  87. False]
  88. --std.code.magic.numbers.simplier, --scmns
  89. Is set, 0, -1 and 1 numbers are not counted in
  90. 'std.code.magic.numbers' metric [default: False]
  91. --std.suppress, --ss If set (True), suppression markers are collected from
  92. comments in code. Suppressions are used by post-
  93. processing tools, like limit, to remove false-positive
  94. warnings. Suppressions should be in the first comment
  95. block of a region (function/class/interface). Format
  96. of suppressions: 'metrix++: suppress metric-name'. For
  97. example: 'metrix++: suppress
  98. std.code.complexity:cyclomatic'. [default: False]
  99. --std.general.proctime, --sgpt
  100. If the option is set (True), the tool measures
  101. processing time per file [default: False]
  102. --std.general.procerrors, --sgpe
  103. If the option is set (True), the tool counts number of
  104. processing/parsing errors per file [default: False]
  105. --std.general.size, --sgs
  106. If the option is set (True), the tool collects file
  107. size metric (in bytes) [default: False]
  108. --include-files=INCLUDE_FILES, --if=INCLUDE_FILES
  109. Defines the regular expression pattern to include
  110. files in processing [default: .*]
  111. --exclude-files=EXCLUDE_FILES, --ef=EXCLUDE_FILES
  112. Defines the regular expression pattern to exclude
  113. files from processing [default: ^[.]]
  114. --non-recursively, --nr
  115. If the option is set (True), sub-directories are not
  116. processed [default: False]