@@ -66,6 +66,53 @@ static void writeEcho( shellmatta_instance_t *inst,
+ * @brief itoa like function to convert int to an ascii string
+ * @warning you have to provide a large enough buffer
+ * @param[in] value
+ * @param[in,out] buffer
+ * @param[in] base
+ * @return number of bytes in string
+ */
+static uint32_t shellItoa(int32_t value, char *buffer, uint32_t base)
+ char tempBuffer[34u];
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t bufferIdx = 0u;
+ char digitValue;
+ /** -# check the base for plausibility */
+ if((2 <= base) && (16 >= base))
+ {
+ /** -# check for sign */
+ if(0 > value)
+ {
+ value = value * (-1);
+ buffer[0u] = '-';
+ bufferIdx += 1u;
+ }
+ /** -# loop through all digits in reverse order */
+ i = 0u;
+ do
+ {
+ digitValue = (char) (value % base);
+ tempBuffer[i] = (digitValue < 10u) ? ('0' + digitValue) : ('A' + digitValue);
+ value /= base;
+ i ++;
+ }while(value > 0);
+ /** -# store the string in the correct order onto the buffer */
+ while(i > 0u)
+ {
+ buffer[bufferIdx] = tempBuffer[i - 1u];
+ i --;
+ bufferIdx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ return bufferIdx;
* @brief appends a byte to the history ring stack buffer
* @brief appends a byte to the history ring stack buffer
* @param[in] inst pointer to a shellmatta instance
* @param[in] inst pointer to a shellmatta instance
@@ -312,8 +359,11 @@ static void rewindCursor(shellmatta_instance_t *inst, uint32_t length)
length = SHELLMATTA_MIN (length, inst->cursor);
length = SHELLMATTA_MIN (length, inst->cursor);
if(length > 0u)
if(length > 0u)
- size = snprintf(terminalCmd, sizeof(terminalCmd), "\e[%uD", length);
- writeEcho(inst, terminalCmd, size);
+ terminalCmd[0] = '\e';
+ terminalCmd[1] = '[';
+ size = 2u + shellItoa(length, &terminalCmd[2], 10);
+ terminalCmd[size] = 'D';
+ writeEcho(inst, terminalCmd, size + 1u);
inst->cursor -= length;
inst->cursor -= length;
@@ -331,8 +381,11 @@ static void forwardCursor(shellmatta_instance_t *inst, uint32_t length)
length = SHELLMATTA_MAX (length, (inst->inputCount - inst->cursor));
length = SHELLMATTA_MAX (length, (inst->inputCount - inst->cursor));
if (length > 0u)
if (length > 0u)
- size = snprintf(terminalCmd, sizeof(terminalCmd), "\e[%uC", length);
- writeEcho(inst, terminalCmd, size);
+ terminalCmd[0] = '\e';
+ terminalCmd[1] = '[';
+ size = 2u + shellItoa(length, &terminalCmd[2], 10);
+ terminalCmd[size] = 'C';
+ writeEcho(inst, terminalCmd, size + 1u);
inst->cursor += length;
inst->cursor += length;