#44 Command Busy function - non blocking

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von shimatta · 0 Kommentare
shimatta kommentierte vor 4 Jahren

Some commands need time to finish. This is a problem in single threaded systems because the command would block the whole system.

The command should be able to return a Busy signal. Afterwards the shellmatta processing function returns busy and has to be polled.

Every time the processing function is polled the command is called directly with the same state as before.

Some commands need time to finish. This is a problem in single threaded systems because the command would block the whole system. The command should be able to return a Busy signal. Afterwards the shellmatta processing function returns busy and has to be polled. Every time the processing function is polled the command is called directly with the same state as before.
shimatta hat dieses Issue vor 4 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
shimatta hat vor 4 Jahren geschlossen
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