Explorar o código

Removing old stuff from root folder.

avkonst %!s(int64=12) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 8 ficheiros con 0 adicións e 1827 borrados
  1. 0 5
  2. 0 17
  3. 0 187
  4. 0 1167
  5. 0 130
  6. BIN=BIN
  7. 0 213
  8. 0 108

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <includepathentry path="./lib" />

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>SWI</name>
-	<comment></comment>
-	<projects>
-	</projects>
-	<buildSpec>
-		<buildCommand>
-			<name>org.epic.perleditor.perlbuilder</name>
-			<arguments>
-			</arguments>
-		</buildCommand>
-	</buildSpec>
-	<natures>
-		<nature>org.epic.perleditor.perlnature</nature>
-	</natures>

+ 0 - 187

@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#    Software Index, Copyright 2010, Software Index Project Team
-#    Link: http://swi.sourceforge.net
-#    This file is part of Software Index Tool.
-#    Software Index is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-#    Software Index is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with Software Index.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-       -- Date:         2010/02/18
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   improvement
-          Severity:     None
-          Module(s):    Parser
-          Description:  Algorithm of generation of >>>GLOBAL<<< function changed.
-                        Now it does not include empty lines at the end.
-       -- Date:         2010/02/18
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Launcher
-          Description:  Exit code is now a sum of codes from scanner and appraiser
-       -- Date:         2010/02/18
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   improvement
-          Severity:     None
-          Module(s):    Launcher
-          Description:  Status message added at the end of execution
-       -- Date:         2010/02/16
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Appraiser
-          Description:  Infinity strings changed, perl warning removed
-       -- Date:         2010/02/16
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Critical
-          Module(s):    Gcov bridge
-          Description:  gcov usage command corrected
-       -- Date:         2010/02/15
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Parser
-          Description:  regexp for C++ function identifier corrected
-       -- Date:         2010/02/14
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   feature
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    Appraiser
-          Description:  Relative limits are possible with zero numbers
-                        Infinity/-Infinity statistics supported
-       -- Date:         2010/02/14
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    Coverage indexer
-          Description:  Empty gcov data (no calls, no branches) is processed correctly now
-       -- Date:         2010/02/14
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Converter
-          Description:  Duplication messages are deactivated by default
-                        However, they are always printed if there corresponding failures
-       -- Date:         2010/02/14
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Scanner
-          Description:  Line offset bug fixed
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    Processor
-          Description:  Calculation of length and crc statistics corrected for global code
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    Appraiser
-          Description:  Calculation of avarage data fixed
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    Duplication indexer
-          Description:  By default, it is now enabled
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   improvement
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Images
-          Description:  Logos attached to the source control system
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   improvement
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Parser (C++ language)
-          Description:  Excessive blank symbols are removed in names of functions-operators
-       -- Date:         2010/02/12
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   improvement
-          Severity:     Minor
-          Module(s):    Project description
-          Description:  Minor stylistic improvements
-       -- Date:         2010/02/11
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   feature
-          Severity:     Critical
-          Module(s):    Duplication indexer
-          Description:  Makefile added
-       -- Date:         2010/02/11
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Critical
-          Module(s):    Parser
-          Description:  C language, correction for nonamed enum, struct
-       -- Date:         2010/02/10
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   feature
-          Severity:     Major
-          Module(s):    gcov bridge
-          Description:  Collection of coverage statistic added
-       -- Date:         2010/01/31
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   feature
-          Severity:     Critical
-          Module(s):    Parser
-          Description:  C++ language support added
-       -- Date:         2010/01/10
-          Reference:    noref
-          Issue type:   fix
-          Severity:     Critical
-          Module(s):    Parser
-          Description:  C language parser becomes loyal with code formating

A diferenza do arquivo foi suprimida porque é demasiado grande
+ 0 - 1167

+ 0 - 130

@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#    Software Index, Copyright 2010, Software Index Project Team
-#    Link: http://swi.sourceforge.net
-#    This file is part of Software Index Tool.
-#    Software Index is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-#    Software Index is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with Software Index.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-=head1 OVERVIEW
-Software Index measures, reports and validates software statistic,
-searches for duplications, scans for errors, 'coding style' violations
-and occasions of broken design patterns which are defined by your design team.
-More information available at 'http://swi.sourceforge.net'.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-In order to get the context help (this text):
-    perl swi_main.pl -h
-    perl swi_main.pl -help
-    perl swi_main.pl --help
-In order to get the sample configuration file and it's description:
-    perl swi_main.pl -s
-    perl swi_main.pl -sample
-    perl swi_main.pl --sample
-In order to launch the tool with the prepared configuration file:
-    perl swi_main.pl </path/to/configuration/file.xml>
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item -h, -help, --help
-Prints this help page.
-=item -s, -sample, --sample
-Prints the example of configuration file and it's description.
-The sample explains every section in details and gives several usage examples.
-Use this as a start up framework for your initial configs.
-For example:
-    > perl swi_main.pl -sample > my_config.xml
-=item </path/to/configuration/file.xml>
-Full or relative path to the configuration file for the tool. 
-The tool requires Perl Runtime Environment. Required Perl version is 5.6.x or later.
-=head1 COPYRIGHT 
-Software Index, Copyright 2009, 2010, Software Index Project Team,
-Link: http://swi.sourceforge.net
-=head1 LICENSE
-Software Index is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-Software Index is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Software Index.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-use strict;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-use Pod::Usage;
-$0 =~ m/(.*)swi_main.pl$/;
-my $globalRootDirectory = abs_path($1);
-push( @INC, "$globalRootDirectory/lib" );
-require SWI::Launcher;
-if (   !defined( $ARGV[0] )
-    || $ARGV[0] eq "-help"
-    || $ARGV[0] eq "--help"
-    || $ARGV[0] eq "-h" )
-    pod2usage( -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2 );
-    exit 0;
-if (   $ARGV[0] eq "-sample"
-    || $ARGV[0] eq "--sample"
-    || $ARGV[0] eq "-s" )
-    my $fh = new FileHandle( "$globalRootDirectory/swi_config_sample.xml", "r" )
-      or die(
-        "Can not open input file '$globalRootDirectory/swi_config_sample.xml'!"
-      );
-    while (<$fh>)
-    {
-        print $_;
-    }
-    exit 0;
-exit swiLaunch( $globalRootDirectory, @ARGV );


+ 0 - 213

@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-  <swi:info>
-    <swi:version>1</swi:version>
-    <swi:project>
-      <swi:name>DDD</swi:name>
-    </swi:project>
-    <swi:history>
-      <swi:revision>
-        <swi:name>ALFA</swi:name>
-        <swi:user>USER</swi:user>
-        <swi:comment>Configuration for DDD project</swi:comment>
-      </swi:revision>
-    </swi:history>
-  </swi:info>
-  <swi:general>
-    <swi:debug>
-       <swi:enabled>off</swi:enabled>
-    </swi:debug>
-  </swi:general>
-  <swi:modules>
-    <swi:module>
-      <swi:name>DDD-SOURCES</swi:name>
-      <swi:location>../GNU-SRC/ddd/ddd</swi:location>
-      <swi:files>
-        <swi:include>^.*[chCH]$</swi:include>
-        <!--
-          Excluding the following files:
-          FILE:             - REASON:
-          ddd.info.txt.gz.C - just too big file
-          vsl-lex.C         - brackets mismatch without preprocessor work
-          rxscan.C          - undefined block start without preprocessor work
-          vsl-gramma.C      - definition of local variables in old style
-        -->
-        <swi:exclude>ddd.info.txt.gz.C|vsl-lex.C|rxscan.C|vsl-gramma.C</swi:exclude>
-      </swi:files>
-      <swi:preprocessor>
-        <swi:rule>
-          <swi:filepattern>^PrintGC.h$</swi:filepattern>
-          <swi:searchpattern>([^_a-zA-Z0-9])(DECLARE_TYPE_INFO)([^_a-zA-Z0-9])</swi:searchpattern>
-          <swi:replacepattern>$1$2;$3</swi:replacepattern>
-        </swi:rule>
-        <swi:rule>
-          <swi:filepattern>.*</swi:filepattern>
-          <swi:searchpattern>(\s+)(union\s*)({)</swi:searchpattern>
-          <swi:replacepattern>$1$2 _noname_ $3</swi:replacepattern>
-        </swi:rule>
-      </swi:preprocessor>
-      <swi:scanner>
-      	<!--
-      	    The codecontent option defines the content for scanner, it can be:
-      	    initial         - the initial source content
-      	    code            - the initial code (without comments)
-      	    comments        - comments only (no code)
-      	    nopreprocessor  - preprocessor strings excluded (without comments and preprocessor)
-      	    nostrings       - strings excluded (without comments and strings)
-      	    purified        - strings and preprocessor excluded (without comments, strings and preprocessor)
-      	    By default, the 'purified' content is scanned
-      	-->
-        <swi:rule>
-          <swi:filepattern>.*</swi:filepattern>
-          <swi:searchpattern>(\s+)((union)|(enum)|(struct))(\s*{)</swi:searchpattern>
-          <swi:messagepattern>Noname '$2' detected.</swi:messagepattern>
-          <swi:codecontent>purified</swi:codecontent>
-        </swi:rule>
-        <swi:suppress>
-          <swi:pattern swi:message="Noname 'struct'">.*</swi:pattern>
-          <swi:pattern swi:message="Noname 'useless'">.*</swi:pattern>
-        </swi:suppress>
-      </swi:scanner>
-      <swi:indexer:common>
-        <!-- No settings currently available -->
-      </swi:indexer:common>
-      <swi:indexer:dup>
-      	<!--
-      	    The codecontent option defines the content for scanner, it can be:
-      	    initial         - the initial source content
-      	    code            - the initial code (without comments)
-      	    comments        - comments only (no code)
-      	    nopreprocessor  - preprocessor strings excluded (without comments and preprocessor)
-      	    nostrings       - strings excluded (without comments and strings)
-      	    purified        - strings and preprocessor excluded (without comments, strings and preprocessor)
-      	    By default, the 'purified' content is scanned
-      	-->
-      	<swi:codecontent>purified</swi:codecontent>
-        <swi:enabled>on</swi:enabled>
-        <swi:minlength>100</swi:minlength>
-        <swi:proximity>100</swi:proximity>
-        <swi:globalcode>on</swi:globalcode>
-      </swi:indexer:dup>
-      <swi:indexer:gcov>
-        <swi:enabled>on</swi:enabled>
-        <swi:filepattern>^.*[.][cC][pP]?[pP]?$</swi:filepattern>
-        <swi:sourcefile>(.*)[.][cC][pP]?[pP]?</swi:sourcefile>
-        <swi:gcdafile>${1}.gcda</swi:gcdafile>
-      </swi:indexer:gcov>
-    </swi:module>
-  </swi:modules>
-  <swi:report>
-    <swi:destination>.</swi:destination>
-    <swi:xml>
-      <swi:name>swi_report_ddd.xml</swi:name>
-    </swi:xml>
-    <swi:notifications>
-      <swi:name>swi_report_ddd.log</swi:name>
-      <swi:error>
-        <swi:added>on</swi:added>
-        <swi:removed>on</swi:removed>
-        <swi:modified>on</swi:modified>
-        <swi:cloned>on</swi:cloned>
-        <swi:unmodified>on</swi:unmodified>
-      </swi:error>
-      <swi:print>
-        <swi:added>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-          <swi:duplications>off</swi:duplications>
-          <swi:scanmessages>on</swi:scanmessages>
-        </swi:added>
-        <swi:removed>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-          <swi:duplications>off</swi:duplications>
-          <swi:scanmessages>on</swi:scanmessages>
-        </swi:removed>
-        <swi:modified>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-          <swi:duplications>off</swi:duplications>
-          <swi:scanmessages>on</swi:scanmessages>
-        </swi:modified>
-        <swi:cloned>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-          <swi:duplications>off</swi:duplications>
-          <swi:scanmessages>on</swi:scanmessages>
-        </swi:cloned>
-        <swi:unmodified>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-          <swi:duplications>off</swi:duplications>
-          <swi:scanmessages>on</swi:scanmessages>
-        </swi:unmodified>
-      </swi:print>
-    </swi:notifications>
-  </swi:report>
-  <swi:limits>
-    <swi:lines>
-      <swi:comment:header>
-        <swi:exact>
-          <swi:info>5</swi:info>
-          <swi:notice>3</swi:notice>
-          <swi:warning>1</swi:warning>
-          <swi:suppress>
-              <swi:pattern swi:level="warning">.*</swi:pattern>
-          </swi:suppress>
-        </swi:exact>
-      </swi:comment:header>
-    </swi:lines>
-    <swi:duplication>
-      <swi:symbols>
-        <swi:exact swi:relation="swi:length/swi:executable/swi:exact">
-          <swi:info>0.28</swi:info>
-          <swi:notice>0.40</swi:notice>
-          <swi:warning>0.60</swi:warning>
-          <swi:suppress>
-              <swi:pattern swi:level="warning">Useless pattern</swi:pattern>
-          </swi:suppress>
-        </swi:exact>
-      </swi:symbols>
-    </swi:duplication>
-    <swi:coverage>
-      <swi:gcov:lines>
-        <swi:exact swi:relation="swi:coverage/swi:gsum:lines/swi:exact">
-          <swi:info>0.99</swi:info>
-          <swi:notice>0.9</swi:notice>
-          <swi:warning>0.84</swi:warning>
-        </swi:exact>
-      </swi:gcov:lines>
-    </swi:coverage>
-    </swi:limits>

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-  <swi:info>
-    <swi:version>1</swi:version>
-    <swi:project>
-      <swi:name>DDD</swi:name>
-    </swi:project>
-    <swi:history>
-      <swi:revision>
-        <swi:name>ALFA</swi:name>
-        <swi:user>avkonst</swi:user>
-        <swi:comment>Configuration for TEST project</swi:comment>
-      </swi:revision>
-    </swi:history>
-  </swi:info>
-  <swi:modules>
-    <swi:module>
-      <swi:name>TEST_FOLDER</swi:name>
-      <swi:location>test</swi:location>
-      <swi:files>
-        <swi:include>.*[chCH]</swi:include>
-        <swi:exclude></swi:exclude>
-      </swi:files>
-      <swi:dupfinder>
-        <swi:enabled>on</swi:enabled>
-      </swi:dupfinder>
-    </swi:module>
-  </swi:modules>
-  <swi:report>
-    <swi:destination>.</swi:destination>
-    <swi:xml>
-      <swi:name>swi_report_test.xml</swi:name>
-    </swi:xml>
-    <swi:notifications>
-      <swi:name>swi_report_test.log</swi:name>
-      <swi:stdout>on</swi:stdout>
-      <swi:error>
-        <swi:added>on</swi:added>
-        <swi:removed>on</swi:removed>
-        <swi:modified>on</swi:modified>
-        <swi:cloned>on</swi:cloned>
-        <swi:unmodified>on</swi:unmodified>
-      </swi:error>
-      <swi:print>
-        <swi:added>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-        </swi:added>
-        <swi:removed>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-        </swi:removed>
-        <swi:modified>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-        </swi:modified>
-        <swi:cloned>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-        </swi:cloned>
-        <swi:unmodified>
-          <swi:failures>on</swi:failures>
-          <swi:modifications>off</swi:modifications>
-        </swi:unmodified>
-      </swi:print>
-    </swi:notifications>
-    <swi:dup>
-      <swi:name>swi_report_ddd.dup</swi:name>
-    </swi:dup>
-  </swi:report>
-  <swi:limits>
-    <swi:lines>
-      <swi:comment:header>
-        <swi:exact>
-          <swi:info>5</swi:info>
-          <swi:notice>3</swi:notice>
-          <swi:warning>1</swi:warning>
-          <swi:suppress>
-              <swi:pattern swi:level="info">.*</swi:pattern>
-          </swi:suppress>
-        </swi:exact>
-      </swi:comment:header>
-    </swi:lines>
-    <swi:duplication>
-      <swi:symbols>
-        <swi:exact swi:relation="swi:length/swi:executable/swi:exact">
-          <swi:info>0.28</swi:info>
-          <swi:notice>0.40</swi:notice>
-          <swi:warning>0.60</swi:warning>
-        </swi:exact>
-      </swi:symbols>
-    </swi:duplication>
-  </swi:limits>